
  • 网络Terminate The Labor Contract
  1. 劳动合同双方可以随时通知对方终止劳动合同,也可以约定终止劳动合同的提前通知期。

    The two parties to a labor contract may notify the other party to terminate the labor contract at any time , either may they stipulate the period for advance notice for termination of the contract .

  2. 解除或者终止劳动合同,未依照本法规定向劳动者支付经济补偿的。

    Terminates or ends an employment contract without paying the Employee severance pay pursuant to this Law .

  3. 假如雇主在终止劳动合同后不向雇员支付补偿金,则有关的竞业禁止限制契诺将会失效。

    If the employer fails to pay compensation to the employee upon termination of the employment contract , the non-competition restrictive covenant shall become invalid .

  4. 在订立、履行、变更、续订、解除和终止劳动合同过程中,用人单位和劳动者的信息交换是非常重要。

    In conclusion , performance , change , renewal , and termination of labor contracts process , employers and workers in the information exchange is very important .

  5. 在加拿大制造业,终止劳动合同的数量已从2005年的40件飙升至去年的200件以上,而汽车业首当其冲。

    The number of labour agreements terminated in the Canadian manufacturing sector led by the automotive industry has soared from 40 in 2005 to more than 200 last year .

  6. 甲方与员工订立、履行、变更、解除、终止劳动合同,均按照《劳动合同法》的有关规定执行。

    The signing , implementing , changing , termination and breach of labor contract between the Party A and the employees should be implemented according to the Labor Contract Law .

  7. 终止劳动合同时,用人单位应在解除或终止劳动合同时一次付清工资。

    In the event that a contract of employment is terminated , the employer shall settle the wage payment fully upon the release or termination of the contract of employment .

  8. 用人单位违反本法规定解除或者终止劳动合同,劳动者要求继续履行劳动合同的,用人单位应当继续履行;

    In the case of any employer discharges or terminates a labor contract that violates this law , if any worker requests for continual performance of the contract , the employer shall do so as required .

  9. 在此情况下终止劳动合同,雇主须给雇员支付经济补偿金,金额一般是雇员为该雇主每服务一年补偿一个月薪金。

    In the case of such a termination , the employer shall pay economic compensation to the employee , which will generally amount to one month 's salary for each year of service for that employer .

  10. 劳动者依法解除或者终止劳动合同,用人单位扣押劳动者档案或者其他物品的,依照前款规定处罚。

    If a Unit retains a laborer 's file or other article after he has dissolved his labor contract in accordance with the law , a penalty shall be imposed in accordance with the preceding paragraph .

  11. 假如你没与原单位解除或者终止劳动合同,给原单位造成损失的,你现单位还存在承担连带赔偿责任的风险。

    If you did not remove to perhaps terminate labor contract with former unit , cause losing to former unit , you show an unit to return existence to assume the risk of implicative liability to pay compensation .

  12. 用人单位招用与其他用人单位尚未解除或者终止劳动合同的劳动者,给其他用人单位造成损失的,应当承担连带赔偿责任。

    Where any worker that has not discharged or terminated a labor contract with an employer yet is hired by another employer , if any loss occurs to the former employer , the new employer shall bear joint and several liability of compensation .

  13. 国家机关、事业单位、社会团体和与其建立劳动关系的劳动者,订立、履行、变更、解除或者终止劳动合同,依照本法执行。

    The conclusion , performance , amendment , termination and ending of employment contracts by state authorities , institutions or social organizations on the one hand and workers with whom they establish employment relationships on the other hand , shall be handled pursuant to this law .

  14. 用人单位对已经解除或者终止的劳动合同的文本,至少保存二年备查。

    The text of the discharged or terminated labor contracts shall be preserved by the employer for at least two years for reference .

  15. 终止或者解除劳动合同的职工;

    Staff and workers who have terminated or canceled their labor contracts ;

  16. 终止或解除劳动合同的经济补偿标准。

    The standards for the economic compensation in the event of termination or the end of the labour contract .

  17. “在中国,若不支付巨额费用,终止和调整劳动合同的空间很小,”上海一位从事劳动事务的外国律师说。

    " There is little scope for termination and restructuring in China any more without giving someone a huge payout , " said a foreign employment lawyer in Shanghai .

  18. 劳动合同期满或者当事人约定的劳动合同终止条件出现,劳动合同即行终止。

    A labour contract shall be terminated whenever the term provided for in the contract expires or conditions for terminating the contract agreed upon have appeared .