
zhōng shēn
  • life;lifelong;lifetime;all one's life;whole life long
终身 [zhōng shēn]
  • (1) [life;lifelong;all one's life] 今生今世;此生;毕生相关

  • 终身几无可问。--清. 刘开《问说》

  • 重昏而终身。--《楚辞.屈原.涉江》

  • 乐岁终身饱。--《孟子.梁惠王上》

  • (2) 又

  • 乐岁终身告。

终身[zhōng shēn]
  1. 这是她终身追求的目标。

    It had been her lifelong ambition .

  2. 没上过大学是他终身的遗憾。

    It was his lifelong regret that he had not gone to university .

  3. 按照州法律终身监禁定义为60年。

    Life imprisonment is defined as 60 years under state law .

  4. 她终身都是穷苦人的卫士。

    She was a champion of the poor all her life .

  5. 有些地区的穷人感觉终身被套牢在他们的工作上。

    In some areas , the poor feel harnessed to their jobs .

  6. 她被判终身监禁服刑十年后被赦免了。

    She was pardoned after serving ten years of a life sentence .

  7. 她是这个俱乐部的终身会员。

    She is a life member of the club .

  8. 要取得终身职位仍然极其困难。

    It 's still extremely difficult to get tenure .

  9. 他做了这样的事,应该终身监禁。

    He deserves to be locked up for ever for what he did .

  10. 他因谋杀罪被终身监禁。

    He was jailed for life for murder .

  11. 她是我可以托付终身的人。

    I 'd trust her with my life .

  12. 他被选为终身会长。

    He was elected perpetual president .

  13. 他终身未娶。

    He never married .

  14. 受害者家属说杀人犯被终身监禁是得到了他应有的惩罚。

    The family of the victim said that the killer had got his just deserts when he was jailed for life .

  15. 初级职员得到终身职位的机会十分渺茫。

    Junior staff have only a slim chance of getting tenure .

  16. 他最初的死刑被减为终身监禁。

    His original death sentence was commuted to life in prison .

  17. 斯旺勋爵于1981年受封终身贵族。

    Lord Swan was made a life peer in 1981 .

  18. 租期结束后,该房产会归还给其终身所有者。

    When the lease ends , the property reverts to the freeholder .

  19. 判处波拉德终身监禁是公正合理还是量刑过重?

    Was Pollard 's life sentence just or was it too severe ?

  20. 如被判谋杀未遂,威廉斯将面临终身监禁。

    Williams faces life in prison if convicted of attempted murder

  21. 1977年,他被判谋杀罪名成立,判处终身监禁。

    In 1977 he was convicted of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment

  22. 如果罪名成立,他可能会被判终身监禁。

    He could get life in prison , if convicted .

  23. 他因谋杀了3名警察而在1966年被终身监禁。

    He was jailed for life in 1966 for the murder of three policemen

  24. 他于1991年被封为终身贵族。

    He was made a life peer in 1991 .

  25. 他的证词足以使德拉戈被判终身监禁。

    His testimony could put Drago away for life .

  26. 两名法官和六名大众陪审推事判决怀特终身监禁。

    Two judges and six lay assessors sentenced White to life in prison .

  27. 医生警告他,如果再次严重摔伤他可能会终身残疾。

    He had been warned that another bad fall could cripple him for life

  28. 法官席曼先生判处他终身监禁。

    Judge Mr Justice Schiemann jailed him for life .

  29. 房产注册簿上也会说明房产是终身保有的还是租借的。

    The property register will also say whether the property is freehold or leasehold .

  30. 我愿把终身托付给他。

    I 'd trust him with my life .