
zhōng liǎo
  • end;be finished;be over;end up
终了 [zhōng liǎo]
  • [end] 结束;完毕

  • 学期终了

终了[zhōng liǎo]
  1. 用餐终了,伯戈因被邀请致祝酒词。

    At the end of the meal Burgoyne was asked to propose a toast .

  2. 每场终了,帷幕都落下。

    The curtain is lowered at the end of each scene .

  3. 他们大动干戈想要控制阿富汗地区,但只持续了10年就无果而终了。

    Their costly and futile attempt to subjugate the Afghans lasted just 10 years .

  4. 我们的关系无果而终了。

    Our relationship fizzled into nothing .

  5. 乐曲即将终了时,他们终于能演奏得合拍了。

    By the end of the number they were all finally playing on the beat .

  6. 一曲终了,她的父亲说:“很好,莎拉。你可以继续学琴了。”听到父亲这么说,莎拉高兴地跑出门去。

    When Sarah finished15 , her father said , " Well done , Sarah . You can have more lessons . " Sarah ran16 happily17 out of the room .

  7. 讨论了放电初始段、终了段及逃逸电子流较强的放电的软X射线能谱的特点。

    The features of discharge at initial and final stages , and soft x-ray energy spectra of discharges with rather intense runaway electron flow are discussed .

  8. 换句话说,B银行必须在下一个星期一营业终了前(假定星期六和星期日是假日)代表A银行发出拒付通知。

    In other words , Bank B must send the refusal notice on behalf of Bank A by the close of the following Monday ( assuming Saturdays and Sundays are holidays ) .

  9. 历经8季跌宕起伏的剧情,有堕落、眼泪和欢笑,ABC广播公司的《绝望主妇》全剧终了。

    After eight seasons of drama , debauchery , tears and hilarity , ABCs Desperate Housewives is coming to an end .

  10. 随冷却速度增大,相变开始点温度(Ms)降低,相变终了点温度(Mf)则不受冷却速度的影响。

    Initial temperature ( M_s ) of transformation decreases with the increase of cooling rate , and the final temperature ( M_f ) of transformation does not change with cooling rate .

  11. 通过研究发现:主要元素C从LF炉到连铸机中包呈升高趋势,铸坯样和精炼炉终点样基本一致。其他元素从冶炼终了至连铸完成基本不变。

    We found that main element C presents increasing trend from LF furnace to tundish of caster , casting billet sample and end one of refining furnace are almost same while other elements keep the same from end of smelting to continuous casting finished .

  12. 研究了Cu-Ag-Cr合金的线拉工艺及其形变时的组织和硬度变化规律。结果表明,该合金可通过多次中间热处理线拉至终了尺寸。

    The technological process of wire drawing of Cu Ag Cr alloy and the changes of structure and hardness during deformation were studied .

  13. 采用RKPM模拟板料的成形过程,将成形终了的计算结果导入到有限元分析软件进行回弹分析,并与试验结果及有限元结果进行了比较。

    Specifically , the bending process of work piece is simulated first by using RKPM method , and then the results are transferred into implicit FEA software for spring-back analysis .

  14. 在实验室的小型调温调湿箱中对25mm厚赤桉干燥材进行终了调湿处理,并以切片法分析调湿过程中的弹性应变和机械吸附应变特性。

    Conditioning of 25 mm thickness dried Eucalyptus camaldulensis lumber ( EL ) was carried out in small capacity laboratory batch kiln , and rheology behavior including elastic strain and mechano-sorptive strain was analyzed by slicing method .

  15. 用粗煤气温度判断结焦终了时间的研究

    Research on raw coal gas temperature to judge final coking time

  16. 《第二十二条军规》之续集《终了时刻》综论

    A comprehensive study of Closing Time : The sequel to Catch-22

  17. 他们的寿数终了的时候。

    At the end of the allotted span of their lives .

  18. 记住下载终了后重新启动电脑。

    Remember to restart the computer after you finish the download .

  19. 年度终了时投资的帐面值

    Carrying value of the investment at the end of the year

  20. 学生在课堂上什么岁月大脑终了作事?

    When does a student 's brain stop working in class ?

  21. 会计期间开始和终了时的历史成本

    Historical cost at the beginning and end of the accounting period

  22. 检验终了了,我们开端放假。

    When the test was finished , we began our holiday .

  23. 一曲终了,我那为期一周的交响音诗也就此结束。

    The recital was finished . The tone poem was over .

  24. 最后一幕,终了这曲折离奇的一生

    Last scene of all , that ends this strange eventful history

  25. 终了问题在您组合连贯接口类的任何时候都有可能出现。

    The finishing problem can arise any time you mix fluent-interface classes .

  26. 比赛终了时,划船队全体队员都划累了。

    The crew were rowed out at the end of the race .

  27. 依据线路曲线终了点位置快速设计交岔点

    On the Basis of Ending Place of Line Curve Quick Designing Intersection

  28. 酶脱毛终了,已经观察不到基膜的线状结构存在。

    After enzyme unhairing , the basement membrane was not be observed .

  29. 为了提高发酵终了时灵芝菌丝浓度以获取高等真菌多糖,对灵芝AS.5.65的深层培养工艺进行了研究。

    The submerged culture technology of Ganoderma Lucidum strain AS .

  30. 结焦终了时间的判断与应用

    Time is * Estimation and application of the en d of coking