
zhōnɡ shěn pàn jué
  • final judgment;final sentence;last resort;last judgment
  1. 期间始于指控的提起,终于作出终审判决。

    The period begins when an allegation is made , and ends when a final judgment is made .

  2. 克利夫兰市教育券诉讼案历经法院的层层审理,最终在2002年6月27日由美国联邦最高法院做出终审判决。

    Cleveland school voucher litigation has gone through many juridical inquisitions and on June 27,2002 , it was made out a final judgment by American Supreme Court .

  3. 随后,法院作出终审判决Betamax公司没有实质性的侵犯使用这些资料,就像随后观看电视节目的录制带,只是为了在更方便的时间看。

    Then , the court concluded that Betamax had " substantial " non-infringing uses , such as the recording of TV programmes to be watched at a later , more convenient date .

  4. 终审判决&多数原则

    The Final Decision & The Majority Rules

  5. 仲裁法庭所做出的判决都是终审判决,对仲裁双方都是有约束力的。

    The award made by the Arbitration Tribunal is final and binding on both parties .

  6. 且在最高法院近年来的有关企业改制纠纷的终审判决中亦出现相互矛盾的情形。

    Besides , there were contradictions between the final judgments on related enterprise restructuring by the Supreme Court in recent years .

  7. 在法国民法上,则表现为和解的契约性质与其具有终审判决之既判力以及与此相应的直接强制执行力之间的矛盾。

    In France civil law , they are between the contractual character and its having the unchangeableness of judgment and correspondingly having the direct enforcement powers .

  8. 第六十条人民法院审理上诉案件,应当在收到上诉状之日起两个月内作出终审判决。

    Article 60 In handling an appealed case , a people 's court shall make a final judgment within two months from the day of receiving the appeal .

  9. 我不知道终审判决的结果是什么,但直到去年年底,《中国妇女》报道这个案子时,法院还没有做出判决。

    I do not know the final result of the trial , but up to the end of last year when the case was reported in Chinese Women , the court had not come to any decision .

  10. 终审判决之所以具有权威性,既是出于民事诉讼制度的需要,也是由其自身的既判力及其是法律意志和国家意志的体现所决定的。

    I The authority of the final judgement is determined not only by the need of the civil action procedure , but also the fixed validity of itself and the purpose of the law and the state it contains .

  11. 第一百五十八条第二审人民法院的判决、裁定,是终审的判决、裁定。

    Article 158 he judgment and the written order of a people 's court of second instance shall be final .

  12. 而一旦终审作出判决,我国政府更应是充分利用WTO法律规则,积极应对,争取把贸易损失降到最低。

    Once Final Appeal judgment , our government should take full advantage of the WTO legal rules , a positive response , and strive to minimize the loss of trade .

  13. 有理数域上二元不可约多项式的判别第二审人民法院的判决、裁定,是终审的判决、裁定。

    Judgement Method of Irreducible Polynomial in Two Variables a judgment or ruling by the people 's court of second instance is one of final instance .

  14. 承认仲裁裁决的法院判决第二审人民法院的判决、裁定,是终审的判决、裁定。

    Entry of judg ( e ) ment on an award a judgment or ruling by the people 's court of second instance is one of final instance .

  15. 政府在调查统计后,估计有160万人可依据终审法院的判决声称拥有居港权。

    After survey , the Government estimated that 1.6 million people in the Mainland would be able to claim right of abode in Hong Kong as a result of the judgments .