
zhōnɡ zhǐ hé tonɡ
  • terminate a contract;termination of a contract
  1. 就投保人而言,投保人在应当支付保险费时,可以选择缴纳保险费以维持合同,也可以选择不缴纳保险费以终止合同。

    With respect to policy-holder character , policy-holder is in ought to pay insurance take time , can choose pay insurance premium in order to manage a contract , also can choose not pay insurance premium in order to terminate a contract .

  2. 如发严重亏损,一方不履行合同规定的义务或不可抗力等,可提前终止合同。

    In case of heavy losses , failure of a party to fulfill the obligations prescribed by the contract of force majeure , the contract may be terminated .

  3. 另外,如果发生(e)段或(f)段的情况,雇主可通知承包商立即终止合同。

    However , in the case of sub-paragraph ( e ) or ( f ), the Employer may by notice terminate the Contract immediately .

  4. 论PICC终止合同之救济方式

    On the System of Termination of the Contract in PICC

  5. 如果客户不履行合同,没有支付ABC有关费用,ABC将通过带回执的信函通知客户终止合同。

    ABC may terminate this Agreement by giving Customer ten ( 10 ) days notice by certified mail if Customer defaults in its payment to ABC .

  6. PICC对CISG的精华予以继承和发展,对终止合同制度进行了详尽而周密的规范。

    PICC , which regulates the system of termination of the contract completely , adopts and develops the ( essence ) of CISG .

  7. 第四次出现违反安全制度的行为,ehs部门写出承包商终止合同建议书,并取消其预审资格。

    The fourth time of violate the regulations , EHS section will give responsible for the item advice to terminate the contract , and cancel the pre-qualification of the contractor .

  8. 12.2以正当理由终止合同的权利保持不变。

    12.2 the right of termination for good cause remains unaffected .

  9. 视作违约方单方面终止合同。

    The party shall be deemed as unilaterally terminates the contract .

  10. 这次我希望您不要终止合同。

    But I hope you don 't decline the contract .

  11. 如果贵方到期未能按时付款,我方将终止合同,并提出索赔。

    I would like to discuss the terms of payment with you .

  12. 任何一方不得在不预先通知的情况下终止合同。

    Either party shall not terminate the contract without notice in advance .

  13. 一方愿意终止合同的基本原因是什么?

    What are the basic reasons why either party would want to terminate ?

  14. 任何一方都可以终止合同。

    The contract was terminable by either party .

  15. 未经另一方当事人同意,任何当事人均无权终止合同。

    13.Any party has no right to terminate this contract without another party 's agreement .

  16. 许可方可书面通知接受方终止合同你能一接到通知马上就准备好吗?

    Licensor have the right to terminate the Contract . Can you be ready at short notice ?

  17. 假如方不履行合同协议,另方则有权终止合同。

    199if one side fails to observe the contract , the other side is entitled to cancel it .

  18. 一些违反合同的行为将使无辜方终止合同。

    Some breaches of contract will also entitle the innocent party to bring the contract to an end .

  19. 如果考辛斯的表现未达预期,勇士也可以在明年夏天与他终止合同,而不用背负任何财务上的负担。

    If it doesn 't , they can sever their ties with him next summer with no financial ramifications .

  20. 这位克罗地亚国脚会在尤文终止合同以后,以自由球员的身份加盟多特蒙德。

    The Croatian international arrives at Dortmund on a free transfer after his contract came to an end at Juve .

  21. 本合同的有效期至少为6个月,在此期间,任何一方不得终止合同。

    Status Offline The minimum term of this agreement shall be6 months during which neither party could terminate this agrement .

  22. 如果合同一方拒绝履行合同规定的义务,则另一方有权终止合同。

    1 either party may terminate the contract should the other side refuse the performance of a substantive contractual obligation .

  23. 是的,很好.唯一有问题的是终止合同的那一条。

    Jerry : Yes , it looks great . The only problem we might have is with the termination clause .

  24. 根据合同,如果你方没有按照合同条款执行,我们有权终止合同。

    According to the contract , if you fail to honor the contract , we are entitled to cancel it .

  25. 根据合同,你终止合同的话就要扣掉一个月的押金。

    According to the contract , one month 's rent will be taken out of the deposit for breaking the lease .

  26. 甲方或者其权利继受人有权主张终止合同或索赔。

    Party A or its successor in interest is entitled to terminate this Contract or claim damages for the breach of contract .

  27. 如果存在权利瑕疵,而购买人又是不能接受这个瑕疵的话,那么购买人就可以终止合同并可请求损害赔偿。

    If the title is defective and the purchaser does not accept it , he can cancel the contract and require damages .

  28. 除本合同明确规定外,承包商代表无权变更、延长或终止合同。

    Except as expressly stated in the contract , the contractor representative has no power to amend , extend or terminate the contract .

  29. 假如一方不能遵守合同条款,另一方有权终止合同。

    If one party fails to comply with the terms of the contract , the other party is entitled to terminate the contract .

  30. 桑普多利亚前锋希望能终止合同,使它能够自由转会加入任何俱乐部。

    The Sampdoria forward was expected to have his contract terminated , thus making him a free agent and available to any club .