
zū lìn qī xiàn
  • lease;leasehold;term of lease;tenancy
  1. 不定航线的不定期货船(三)租赁期限(定期或不定期);

    The term of the lease ( fixed or indefinite );

  2. 租赁期限之探讨

    The Discussion of the Time Limit of Lease

  3. 但转租不得超过本合同约定之租赁期限

    But sublets not to surpass renting of deadline this contract agreement .

  4. 而且随着租赁期限的逼近,租赁的价值将减少。

    And as leases get closer to their expiry dates , their value erodes .

  5. 本合同租赁期限已届满或经甲方同意提前解除本合同。

    The contract expires or the contract is terminated in advance after approval of Party A.

  6. 租赁期限超过临时建筑的使用期限,超过部分无效。

    If the lease term exceeds the service life of a temporary building , the excessive part shall be void .

  7. 第二十八条房屋租赁期限,不得超过该房屋的土地使用期限。

    Article 28 The term of a building lease shall not exceed the term of use for that building 's land .

  8. 根据租赁期限为六个月以上的租赁合同占有民用航空器的权利;

    The right to possess the civil aircraft in accordance with a lease contract covering a lease term of six months or over ;

  9. 租赁期限25年太长,我们希望定为15年。

    We think that a term of 25 years for the lease is too long and we wish to fix it at 15 years .

  10. 其次,对同等条件的审查范围不仅限于租金价格、租赁期限、租金支付方式等,还应包括租赁的方式、租赁物的用途等。

    Secondly , the examining range includes the lease price , the lease time , payment and the way of lease , the use of the house , etc. .

  11. 《合同法》第236条规定的租赁期限的默示更新应具备三个条件,即租赁期间届满后,承租人继续使用租赁物;

    The Article 236 of contract law shows that the tacitly approved renewal of the lease time limit should have three factors : First , when the time limit expires , the leasee can continue using the property .

  12. 举个例子,亚洲租赁合同的期限通常都比较短。

    One example is the fact of much shorter leasing contracts which are common in Asia .

  13. 这种公司所投资的地盘,大多数开发商都会避而远之,而此类公司所签土地租赁合同的期限也另很多地主瞠目结舌。

    They invest in land most developers would shun and use tenancy contracts that would make other landlords shudder .

  14. 若公司已将竣工物业的全部或其部分租赁出去,请说明待租物业的楼宇面积、租赁期限、租金、住户户型及相关管理和营销策略。

    If the company has leased out the completed property or portion of it , please describe the GFA offered for lease , the occupancy , the rental income , brief tenant mix profile and related management and marketing strategy .

  15. 国有土地使用权和农村土地承包经营权租赁不应当受《合同法》第214条租赁期限最长为20年的限制。

    The Article 214 in the Contract Laws shows that the time limit of lease contract is 20 years , which should not be applied to the right of using the state-owned land and the power of contracted management of rural land .

  16. 第二百一十三条租赁合同的内容包括租赁物的名称、数量、用途、租赁期限、租金及其支付期限和方式、租赁物维修等条款。

    A leasing contract is a contract whereby the lessor delivers to the lessee the lease item for it to use or accrue benefit from , and the lessee pays the rent .