
  • 网络Delay in delivery
  1. 此外,接受订单有可能会引起原MPS中订单的延迟交付,企业因此会受到相应的惩罚。

    In addition , the acceptance of rush order may cause the delay in delivery of the orders in original MPS .

  2. 若出现任何有可能延迟交付的情形,卖方应及时履行通知义务。

    The Seller shall give notice of any likely delay in delivery as soon as practicable .

  3. 如果WIRTGENCHINA延迟交付且因此造成买方损害的,则买方应有权就延迟导致的损害提出定额的赔偿请求。

    In the event that WIRTGEN CHINA delays delivery and thus causes any damage to the Buyer , the Buyer shall be entitled to demand a flat amount of compensation for damages caused by such delay .

  4. 可以使用有效的机制以所需的延迟交付信息。

    Effective mechanisms are available to deliver the information with the required latency .

  5. 有时因为任务分配的不合理,开发人员也会延迟交付。

    Like the rest of us , developers will also sometimes procrastinate on tougher assignments .

  6. 项目经常被延迟交付,并且许多问题只要在软件运行期间才能够被发现。

    Projects are often late , and many defects are discovered only through running the software .

  7. 供应商应当就其延迟交付给买方造成的任何损失承担相应责任。

    The Supplier shall be liable to the Buyer for any losses due to late delivery .

  8. 对违约金的主张可以直至被延迟交付的货物的支付日提出。

    The contractual penalty may be claimed until the date of payment of the delayed goods .

  9. 该定额赔偿应当视为清结了所有因延迟交付而产生的权利要求。

    The flat amount of compensation for damages shall settle all claims due to delay in delivery .

  10. 如果一个系统延迟交付,在大多数情况下是不会死人的。

    If a system is delivered late , in most cases no-one is actually going to die .

  11. 延迟交付的问题。

    Delay in delivery .

  12. 但是,承运人应对不属于这种灭失、损坏或延迟交付的数额,提出证明。

    Provided that the carrier proves the amount of the loss , damage or delay in delivery not attributable thereto .

  13. 如果测试不充分,就会危及代码的质量,而且往往会延迟交付时间。

    If you don 't test enough , you 'll compromise your code quality and often even slow down your delivery time .

  14. 前瞻性计划并不是包治百病的万能良药,因为即使准备最充分的航空公司也摆脱不了延迟交付带来的僵局。

    Planning ahead , however , has not proved a panacea , because even the best prepared operators have not escaped the constraints caused by delays in deliveries .

  15. 如果我们无条件地接受延迟交付或延迟履行,不得视为我们放弃了我们就延迟交付或履行享有的损害赔偿请求权。

    If we accept late delivery or performance without reservation , that shall not be deemed a renunciation of any damages to which we are entitled for late delivery or performance .

  16. 关于活动物,承运人对由于这类运输所固有的任何特殊风险造成的灭失、损害或延迟交付不负赔偿责任。

    With respect to live animals , the carrier is not liable for loss , damage or delay in delivery resulting from any special risks inherent in that kind of carriage .

  17. 从今往后,如果防务承包商延迟交付,超过预算或者交付的产品与合同要求不符的,那下次竞标时,无论它的条件如何诱人,都很难再取得项目。

    Now , a contractor that delivers late , goes over-budget or builds things that don 't work on one contract will have trouble winning another , however attractive its tender .

  18. 除分摊共同海损外,承运人对因在海上采取救助人命的措施或救助财产的合理措施而造成的灭失、损坏或延迟交付不负赔偿责任。

    The carrier is not liable , except in general average , where loss , damage or delay in delivery resulted from measures to save life or from reasonable measures to save property at sea .

  19. 卖方不应对超出其控制的原因导致的未交付、延迟交付或错误交付(并且未在合理的时间内补救)对买方承担赔偿责任。

    The Seller shall not be liable to pay compensation to the Buyer for non , late or mis-delivery for causes beyond the Seller 's control ( and if not remedied within a reasonable time ) .

  20. 基于Web服务的实现机理以及用户浏览习惯,定义了两个易于测量的Web服务内在性能测度:平均响应延迟和交付速率。

    In this paper two metrics for Web service intrinsic performance , average response delay and delivery speed are defined taking both implementation mechanism of Web applications and user access behavior into account .

  21. 延迟的交付导致压力的产生,首先要做的事情是什么呢?

    Late delivery leads to pressure , and what 's the first thing to go ?

  22. 到了7月,驳船运营商不仅延迟向客户交付集装箱,而且为了应对延迟交货的可观额外成本,还要向客户收取拥堵附加费。

    By July , barge operators were not only delivering shipping containers to customers very late but , to cope with the significant extra costs of delays , also imposing congestion surcharges on customers .

  23. 显然,PHP协同一个被组织为XML文件的文档列表,可以帮助确保您在最小延迟下找到并交付所需的文档。

    Clearly , PHP working in cooperation with a document list organized as an XML file can help ensure that you can locate and present required documents with minimal delay .

  24. 在此刻发生延迟可能会对交付和成本造成影响。

    Delays at this point in the project may have an impact on both delivery and cost .

  25. 将客户订单分离点(CODP)重新定位,探讨延迟策略在虚拟企业生产系统中的应用,实现计划与控制对象前移、控制延迟和交付延迟;

    At first , this paper located the customer order decoupling point once more , and probed into the applications of postponement strategy in the production systems of virtual enterprises , thereby brough about the planning and controlling object moving forward , controlling and delivering postponement .