
yán shēn
  • extend;extension;elongate;continue;stretch;spread;prolongation;rolling out;carry over
延伸 [yán shēn]
  • [elongate;extend;stretch] 延长;扩大宽度、大小、范围

  • 延伸一条道路

  • 把铁路延伸到另一个城市

延伸[yán shēn]
  1. 高铁拟从巴黎延伸至波尔多。

    The high-speed train service is planned to extend from Paris to Bordeaux

  2. 安茹葡萄园从昂热西部一直延伸到索米尔的上游。

    The vineyards of Anjou extend from west of Angers to up-river of Saumur .

  3. 那条路经过村子后又往上延伸到群山中。

    The road continues beyond the village up into the hills .

  4. 油井向下延伸了数百英尺。

    The oil well extended several hundreds of feet in depth .

  5. 这条路沿着海岸线的自然轮廓延伸。

    The road follows the natural contours of the coastline .

  6. 公路向前延伸,经过一片平坦的地。

    The road stretched ahead across the flat landscape .

  7. 小路沿树林边延伸约一英里。

    The lane follows the edge of a wood for about a mile .

  8. 已经订了计划,明年修建这条支路的延伸线。

    There are plans to build a continuation of the by-pass next year .

  9. 大道延伸到一条泥土小径。

    The road petered out into a dirt track .

  10. 小路沿河道延伸。

    The path follows the course of the river .

  11. 这条小路平缓地向大海延伸。

    The path ran gently down to the sea .

  12. 旅馆的花园呈缓坡一直延伸到海滩。

    The hotel gardens sweep down to the beach .

  13. 公路笔直延伸。

    The road continues as straight as an arrow .

  14. 我们的土地一直延伸到河边。

    Our land extends as far as the river .

  15. 风景似乎延伸到了无穷远处。

    The landscape seemed to stretch into infinity .

  16. 牧场一直延伸到河边。

    The meadows lead down to the river .

  17. 山谷在我们下方延伸。

    The valley spread out beneath us .

  18. 集会的人群延伸到了大街上。

    The meeting overflowed into the street .

  19. 小径沿着山坡向上延伸。

    Tracks led up the mountainside .

  20. 低压槽延伸约1,000公里。

    The trough of low pressure extended over about 1000 kilometres .

  21. 普里斯特利在科学上的理性世界观延伸到了宗教思想上。

    Priestley 's rational outlook in science carried over to religion

  22. 大路一直延伸到维泰博,之后右转通向博尔塞纳。

    The main road continues towards Viterbo before turning right to Bolsena .

  23. 主路继续延伸,穿过了树枝遮顶的林阴道。

    The main path continues through a tunnel of trees .

  24. 陆地向东北方向倾斜延伸成了牧场。

    The land to the north-east fell away into meadows .

  25. 无论延伸多长,平行线永不相交。

    Parallel lines will never meet no matter how far extended

  26. 他最终构筑起了一个延伸至泰国和新加坡的商业帝国。

    He eventually constructed a business empire which ran to Thailand and Singapore

  27. 公路沿着海岸延伸数百英里。

    The road hugs the coast for hundreds of miles

  28. 公路平坦而笔直地向前延伸。

    The highway stretched out flat and straight ahead .

  29. 山势在南边一路下倾延伸至农田。

    To the south the hills dropped away to farmland

  30. 他们躺在悬崖顶端的草地上,崖下是向远方延伸的大海。

    They lay in the cliff top grass with the sea stretching out far below