
  • 网络Technical terms;Specifications;Technical Provisions
  1. CPU频率调整有一些相关的技术条款,也许你不清楚,这里是一个简介。

    CPU frequency scaling brings up some technical terms that might be unknown to you . Here 's a quick introduction .

  2. 工程项目施工合同中的技术条款

    The Technical Clauses in the Project Construction Contract

  3. 对混凝土保护层在设计施工中应注意的几个问题作了分析,强调指出只有严格按有关技术条款和规范进行混凝土保护层的设计和施工,才能确保混凝土的耐久性。

    According to the issues needing attention in design and construction of concrete protective cover analysis is carried out . In addition author points out that normalized design and construction should be ensures which strictly complied with related technical article and codes to ensure the durability of concrete .

  4. 熟悉商务及技术合同条款及财务方面的知识。

    Knowledge and experience of general contract and technical contract conditions and financing terms .

  5. 同时,反规避技术措施条款也对合理使用规则提出了挑战。

    Meanwhile , anti - circumvention of technological measures challenges the fair use and fair dealing of copyright .

  6. 版权法中反规避技术措施条款加强了设置在版权作品中的数字技术保护措施,强化了版权人对版权作品的控制。

    The anti-circumvention of technological protection measures strengthen the digital protection measures in copyrighted works and enhance rightowners ′ control to their copyrighted works .

  7. 中国商务部表示,美国的支出法案涉及限制美国从中国购买信息技术的条款,这属于“差别对待”。

    China 's Ministry of Commerce says a U.S. spending bill which includes the clause restricting the procurement of Chinese information technology products was " discriminative . "

  8. 在NYPE93格式中订有反技术性条款的情况下,如果承租人没有按时支付租金,出租人应该给予承租人一段宽限期以补交租金,不能立即解除租约。

    Under the Anti-technique clause of NYPE 93 form , if charterers fail to pay hire fully and punctually , owners shall give charterers a grace period to pay hire , but can 't withdraw vessel .

  9. 国际技术贸易合同条款的风险及其防范

    Risk in International Technology Trade Contract Terms and its Prevention

  10. 其次找出我国技术合同保密条款在签订、履行及管理过程中存在的问题,并对产生这些问题的根源进行分析与探讨。

    Second , find out the issue in the process of signing , performance and management of the technology contract and the root causes of these problems .

  11. 他们认为技术转让的条款和条件,特别是在投资的过程中,应由投资双方议定,政府不应干预。

    In their view , the terms and conditions of technology transfer , particularly in the context of an investment , should be agreed between theparties to the investment without government interference .

  12. 在确定技术援助的条款和条件时,应考虑提出请求的成员,特别是最不发达国家成员所处的发展阶段。

    In determining the terms and conditions of the technical assistance , account shall be taken of the stage of development of the requesting members and in particular of the least-developed country members .

  13. 摘要作为立法技术的一般条款在侵权法制定中加以运用的前见主要表现为立法司法模式、民法上人的表达、宪法与民法的关系。

    The restrain-wiew of the general clause of tort law as the legislative technique is used in making tort law could be articulated as some aspects , legislative-judicial model , the expression of civilly person , the relations between constitution law and civil law .

  14. 因此,立法者在运用立法技术设置定义条款的过程中,既要满足立法政策的表达,又要保证法律信息能够被法律接受者准确接收,最终实现定义条款的规范设置。

    Hence , in the process of setting up definition clause by performing legislative technology , legislators have to satisfy both the expression of legislative policy and the needs of accurately taking the legal information by receivers , which will ultimately realize the normative setting up of definition clause .

  15. 关于《110~500kV架空送电线路设计技术规程》部分条款的商榷

    Deliberate on a Part of Terms in Technical Code for Designing 110 ~ 500 kV Overhead Transmission Line

  16. 由于有技术措施作为合同条款实施的保证,版权人在设定接触和使用规则时就更为随心所欲。

    With the protect of technical measures , copyright owners can set rules more arbitrarily .

  17. 一经授予本合同,业主应许可承包商有权使用技术说明和图纸条款涉及的图纸和文件的电子版本。

    Upon award of the contract the company shall allow the contractor access to electronic versions of the drawings and documents referred to in specifications and drawings .

  18. 招标文件:招标的一整套文件,它们说明招标的程序、所需货物或工程的技术规格以及合同条款

    " tender documents : The collection of documents which specify the Bidding procedures , the technical specification of the goods / works required and contract terms . "

  19. 任何额外的书面法则和指示将会成为大田第6届世界科技城市联盟高新技术交易会规定条款中的一部分,参展商应当遵守。

    B.Any additional written regulations and instructions shall form part of the terms and regulations for participation in6th WTA Daejeon Hi-tech Fair and they shall be binding on the exhibitors .

  20. 因此,本文在此基础上以技术合同中保密条款为研究对象,以解决技术合同在签订、履行及管理中存在的保密问题。

    The research object in this paper is privacy policy of technology contract , solve the privacy problem exist at the process of signing , performance and management in the technology contract .