
  • bank transfer;Online Banking;ATM
  1. 你可以通过银行转账,汇款或者交现金到离你最近的牛津的办公室。

    Payment can be made by Bank Transfer , Bank Draft or in cash at your nearest Oxford office .

  2. 我的工资直接存入我的储蓄账户,我通过银行转账来支付房租、网上缴税。

    So I get paid via direct deposit , I pay my rent via bank transfer , I pay my taxes online .

  3. 交易的银行转账办妥了吗?

    The transfer protocol is in place with the bank ?

  4. 我们通过银行转账的方式按月领取报酬。

    We get paid monthly by credit transfer .

  5. 他们选择'银行转账'作为一种付款方式。

    They select'bank transfer'as a payment option .

  6. 当地货币银行转账这里!

    Local Currency Bank Transfers Are Here !

  7. 上述人士说,有时候,企业进行的银行转账可以掩盖向海外转移的个人资金。

    Sometimes bank transfers by companies hide personal money being moved out , these people say .

  8. 正如你看到以上的,银行转账要求购物支付其本国货币。

    As you saw above , bank transfers require the shopper to pay in their local currency .

  9. 我必须存入现金呢,还是可以从银行转账资金?

    Must I deposit cash in your company or may I transfer my money from the bank ?

  10. 每个人的电邮、每通电话、监控摄像头…监听电话和银行转账中。

    That 's every email , every phone call , surveillance cameras ... wire-tapped phones , bank transactions .

  11. 紧接在储蓄职能之后的,是银行转账结算的职能。

    Following closely from this depositary function is the role of banks for transmission and clearing of payments .

  12. 您可以在会议现场以现金支付注册费,也可以通过银行转账支付。

    You may pay for the registration fee by cash on the site of the workshop or by TT .

  13. 目前为止,他已经收到75万美元,其中大多都是网上和银行转账。

    So far he 's received more than $ 0.75m , much of it through Internet and bank transfers .

  14. 该服务能让用户通过手机完成银行转账和支付,即便对方没有银行账户。

    This enables users to conduct financial transactions and make payments using mobile phones , even to recipients with no bank account .

  15. 如果您的捐款需要收据,请清楚地注明在银行转账单上。

    If you need the receipt of your fund , please state so clearly in the comment section of the bank transfer order .

  16. 现金支付,银行转账和信用卡,首节免费课后,您将会得到相关细节。

    Payment options are available in cash , bank transfer and credit card , and all details will be given after the first free lesson .

  17. 用当地货币银行转账,您将可以确保您的购物者支付适当的价格,为他们的地理-成长你的电子商务营业收入。

    With local currency bank transfers , you 'll be able to ensure your shoppers pay the right price for their geography-and grow your e-business revenues .

  18. 另外,转账可以直接在证券公司或网上通过实际操作转,不能直接通过电话通知银行转账吧!

    Additional , turn Zhang can pass real operation to turn on stockjobber or net directly , cannot inform through the phone the bank turns directly zhang !

  19. 这应有助于立即为你们这些人做了很多的业务在地域如银行转账尤其受欢迎,如德国。

    This should help immediately for those of you who do a lot of business in geographies where bank transfers are particularly popular , such as Germany .

  20. 建立在此之上的典型应用包括银行转账系统,旅行计划制定系统,股票交易系统,以及订单处理系统。

    The application system on it consists of the bank transfering system , the travel planning system , the stock trading system , and the order processing system .

  21. 领款人可以现金方式领取应得款项,也可以通过银行转账或公司答应的其他方式领取应得款项。

    Payee is OK cash means is gotten deserved money , also can turn through the bank the other way that Zhang or company allow is gotten deserved money .

  22. 本公告内,我们想让你知道的一些细节问题-尤其是你们这些人的银行转账是不是一个正常的一部分,在您的日常业务运作。特别是。

    In this bulletin , we want to let you know some details-especially those of you for whom bank transfers are not a regular part of your everyday business operation .

  23. 红十字会表示,缺乏为有太多不同的捐赠方式,例如网上或手机支付,以及银行转账。

    The Red Cross says the lack of real-time requests is due to the many different ways of making donations , such as online and mobile payments , and bank transfer .

  24. 为了方便缴纳燃气费并提高工作效率,我们诚挚建议用户通过银行转账方式缴纳燃气费。

    To make it more convenient for you to pay the gas bills and improve our work efficiency , we genuinely advise you to pay the gas bill by bank transfer .

  25. 交易方式采用了用户邮寄汇款和银行转账,用户定购商品后,商家把商品邮寄到用户。

    We used the mail remittance and the bank transfer as the transaction mode . The trade company will send the commodity to the customer when the customer has order the commodity .

  26. 目前对境外旅客购物离境退税的起退点暂定为800元人民币,退税率统一为11%,境外旅客在办理退税时可自行选择现金退税或银行转账退税。

    The current threshold of sales tax refund in China tentatively set as800 Yuan purchase , and the unified tax rate as11 % . Overseas visitors can choose either cash back or bank transfer tax refund .

  27. 所谓移动支付是指借助手机、掌上电脑、笔记本电脑等移动通信终端和设备,通过无线方式所进行的银行转账、缴费和购物等商业交易活动。

    The so-called Mobile Payment is using mobile phones , handheld computers , laptops and other mobile communication terminals and equipment , through wireless means , to do bank transfer , pay bills and shopping and other commercial transactions .

  28. 手机是现代电子支付的表现形式之一,它通过手机提供支付服务,完成银行转账、缴费和购物等商业活动;它也是一项跨行业的服务,是金融行业与移动通讯行业相结合的新兴事物。

    Mobile phone is one of the methods for modern electronic payment , which provides payment service via mobile phone to conduct business such as bank account transfer , payment and shopping , and which is a cross-industrial service resulting from the combination of banking and mobile communication .

  29. 移动支付又称手机支付,是现代电子支付的一种表现形式,利用手机终端对购买的商品或服务进行财务支付的服务方式,通过移动支付可以完成银行转账、缴费、购物等商业活动。

    Mobile payment which can also be referred to as mobile payment , is one way of modern electronic payment and a financial services way for purchasing goods or services by mobile terminals . We can complete payment by mobile payment , such as bank transfer , payment and shopping .

  30. 尊敬的总经理先生:我写电邮告知您我同意账单上的内容,我将在此之后将钱汇付给您,我很抱歉以前从未使用过银行转账,我恐怕今天不能通过银行转账付款,请您谅解!

    Dear Manager , I 'm writing to inform you that I agree on the bill and I will be delivering you the money . However , I have never used bank transfer ever before , and I 'm afraid I can 't pay for it by bank transfer this time .