
yín hánɡ tòu zhī
  • Bank overdraft;back overdraft
  1. 莫卡斯的活动经费来源于银行透支。

    Instead , he is financing his campaign with a bank overdraft .

  2. 许多银行透支,操作和透支的比率是相当大。

    A lot of bank overdraft , operation , and an overdraft of the ratio is quite large .

  3. 例如,银行透支的收费陡峭,因而在这里你可以节省贷款日历现金。

    For instance , charges for bank overdrafts are steep , thus here payday loans can save you cash .

  4. 拉里萨:不错,我为了修习一个管理课程,曾向银行透支了一笔钱。

    Larissa : Yes , I had to take out an overdraft with my bank to pay for a management course .

  5. 英国企业的债券的优点是,它们利息低,例如比银行透支借贷的利息要低,而且偿还期经常可以拖得很长很长。

    The advantage of debentures of British conpanies is that they carry lower interest rates than , e.g.overdraft and are usually repayable a long time into the furture .

  6. 来自研究公司moebsservices的数据表明,危机已促使多家银行上调透支费和信用卡费,以提振利润。

    Data from Moebs services , a research company , shows that the crisis has prompted many banks to increase charges on overdrafts and credit cards in order to boost profits .

  7. 也许有必要了解该银行的透支费用。

    It might be necessary to know the bank 's overdraft fees .

  8. 在银行我透支了20美元。

    I 'm overdrawn at the bank by $ 20 .

  9. 你们银行有透支服务吗?

    Do you have an overdraft facility at your bank ?

  10. 你的银行账户透支已达1000镑。

    Your bank account was overdrawn to the extent of one thousand pounds .

  11. 上面显示我的银行卡透支了300美元。

    It says I 've drawn $ 300 more than I have in my account .

  12. 这个月我的银行存款透支了。

    I 'm overdrawn this month .

  13. 向海外银行同业透支

    Overdraft on banks abroad

  14. 中国银监会在一份通知中要求,对于银行卡透支款项,持卡人和担保人已在本次震灾中遇难的,各银行应予以核销。

    Banks should also write off credit card debt of those killed in the quake , the China Banking Regulatory Commission said in a statement .

  15. 之所以出现这种趋势,是由于消费者借贷及信用卡消费业务双双下滑,而监管部门推出的新规定对各大银行在透支及借记卡交易方面可以收取的费用设定了限制。

    Credit the decline in consumer lending , the drop in credit card spending and new regulation that limits fees banks can charge on overdrafts and debit card transactions .

  16. 债项指银行贷款及透支减现金及银行存款。

    Debt represents bank loans and overdrafts less cash and deposits with banks .

  17. 根据moebs的数据,各家银行今年的透支费中值已从25美元上升至26美元,这是40多年来该数值首次在危机中走高。

    The median bank overdraft fee has this year risen to $ 26 from $ 25 , according to Moebs the first time it has gone up in a recession for more than 40 years .

  18. 我的银行存款已透支300镑。

    My account is 300 overdrawn [ overdrawn by 300 ] .

  19. 银行允许我透支5000英镑。

    The bank have allow me an overdraft of5000 .

  20. 莫比斯表示,规模最大的银行收取的透支费最高。

    The highest overdraft fees are charged by the largest banks , said Mr Moebs .

  21. 我们将要做的是,运用触发器来促进银行提供的透支保护。

    What we will be doing with triggers is facilitating the overdraft protection that some banks offer .

  22. 在美国银行,客户透支仅6美元,就可能引发一笔35美元的罚金。

    At BofA , a customer overdrawn by as little as $ 6 could trigger a $ 35 penalty .

  23. 你还能付款,算是幸运的。而现在我的银行户头已经透支了。

    J : You 're lucky that you 're still able to make your payments . Now my bank account 's overdrawn .

  24. 但不是空头支票支付费用,你付银行支付费用贵透支。

    But instead of paying fees for bounced checks , you pay fees for the bank to cover your overdrafts .

  25. 这意味着各方都要为总体债务负责类似于银行联名账户的透支额。

    This means that everybody is responsible for the whole amount similar to an overdraft in a joint bank account .

  26. 银行已削减了透支项目和未使用的信用额度,退出了贷款联合会和突然要求收回贷款。

    Banks have cut overdraft facilities and unused credit lines , withdrawn from lending syndicates and abruptly called in loans .

  27. 真是太抱歉了。你们银行难道不能给透支吗?

    I am terribly sorry about this , but is it possible for me to get an overdraft at your bank ?

  28. 在危机中,靠出售有价证券筹集周转资金的企业陷入绝境,反而向银行求助,以透支预先设定的信贷额度以保证还债能力。

    In the crisis , companies that had relied on selling marketable securities to raise working capital turned in desperation to their banks instead , tapping pre-arranged credit lines to keep afloat .

  29. 她儿子所在银行的自动语音也是她配的。她常用“感谢致电本银行,您已透支”那样的腔调逗他儿子,觉得这样非常有趣。

    She is her son 's bank 's automated voice and it tickles her to assume that voice and taunt him by saying : " Thank you for calling the bank . You are overdrawn . "

  30. 美国零售银行所面临的第一个挑战将会来自两份法案,这两份法案旨在迫使大银行削减其对透支及借记卡交易所能收取的费用。

    The first challenge to American retail banks will come from two pieces of legislation intended to force big banks to cut the fees they can charge for overdrafts and debit-card transactions .