
chénɡ xiāo
  • act as a sales agent;underwrite
  1. 如果市场上没有人买这些股票,承销商就会买下来。

    If the market will not buy the shares , the underwriter buys them

  2. 我们的承销商都不要这些车子,因此我们只好贱价拍卖

    Our dealers didn 't want these cars , so we had to dump them at auctions .

  3. P与公司特质因素、公众信息因素之间的相关关系,检验了承销商在定价过程中是如何对待公众信息的。

    Relations are found among the price update and public information .

  4. 新政(NewDeal)的出台,旨在禁止银行从事承销这种高风险活动,此项改革完全实现了这一目标。

    The New Deal reform , enacted to prohibit banks from engaging in the risky activity of underwriting , accomplished exactly that .

  5. 中国加入WTO以后,资本市场逐步开放,国内证券公司承销、经纪和自营三大传统业务将受到国外大型证券公司强有力的冲击。

    After China entering WTO , the capital market is more and more opening up .

  6. 瑞士信贷已数次参与中国大型企业上市的承销工作,其中包括即将进行的中国工商银行(IndustrialandCommercialBankofChina)规模210亿美元的发行。

    Credit Suisse has advised on several large Chinese listings , including the looming $ 21bn offering of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China .

  7. 基于收益率分布分析的IPO承销商托市行为研究

    An Investigation of IPO Underwriters ' Stabilization Based on Analysis of Return Distribution

  8. 主承销商声誉与IPO抑价关系的实证研究二板市场上的主承销商

    The Relationship Test between Underwriter Reputation and IPO Underprice in Chinese Securities Market

  9. 这篇论文建立了承销商如何确定最优IPO价格的模型。

    This paper presents a model of how underwriters determine the optimal IPO price .

  10. 承销商声誉与IPO企业质量关系的实证分析&基于我国A股市场的数据

    Empirical Research on the Relation of Underwriter Reputation and the Quality of IPO Firms

  11. 这说明中国IPO市场不存在明显的承销商托市,目前高抑价的原因不能用承销商托市行为来解释。

    This suggests that no aftermarket price support exist in China 's IPO markets .

  12. 原股东之一britishland决定不参与本次全数承销的配售,其股份将因此面临严重稀释。

    British land , also one of the original shareholders , faces significant dilution having opted not to take part in the fully underwritten placing .

  13. 媒体报道称,投资者垂涎于这次IPO,承销商已被订单淹没。

    Investors have been described by the media as salivating and flooding underwriters with orders .

  14. 本文认为,考虑到中国IPO市场的特殊背景,承销商声誉的形成高度依赖于证券监管力量。

    Reputation of underwriters at China IPO market depends highly on the strength of securities regulation .

  15. 薛琦表示,大约56家离岸公司计划在台IPO,并已经聘请了承销商。

    Some 56 offshore companies are set for an IPO in Taiwan , having hired underwriters .

  16. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)担任主要承销商,占市场份额的21.9%。

    Goldman Sachs is the leading underwriter , with 21.9 % of the market .

  17. 股票承销业务中VaR的计算方法

    Calculation of VaR in Securities Underwriting

  18. 摩根士丹利唯一表现良好的业务是股票承销,特别是科技股IPO。

    The one business that has been working for Morgan is equity underwriting , in particular tech deals .

  19. 瑞士信贷集团(CreditSuisseGroup)信贷承销业务负责人奥哈拉(TimO'Hara)说,债券市场显然已经关闭了。

    ' The [ bond ] market is clearly closed , 'said Tim O'Hara , who heads credit underwriting at Credit Suisse Group .

  20. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)与高盛(GoldmanSachs)将作为该公司的承销商。

    Morgan Stanley ( MS ) and Goldman Sachs ( GS ) served as co-lead underwriters .

  21. 摩根士丹利公司(MorganStanley)和高盛公司(GoldmanSachs)是Groupon首次公开募股的联合主要承销商,瑞士信贷银行(CreditSuisse)也将参与此次IPO的承销。

    Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs are listed as co-lead underwriters , with Credit Suisse also participating .

  22. IPO机制主要包括三大方面:监管机制、承销机制和发售机制。

    There are three major groups of mechanisms , the supervision , the underwriting , and the sales mechanisms .

  23. 百丽已选定摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)和瑞信(CreditSuisse)为上市承销商,但两者昨日均拒绝置评。

    Belle has chosen Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse for banking advice , although both yesterday declined to comment .

  24. 新股发行分配中的承销商作用、机构利益和股权结构影响了中国股票市场的IPO抑价;

    Underwriters ' functions , institutional interests and equity structure in the IPO allocation influenced the IPO underpricing of China ;

  25. 通过实证研究发现,承销商的声誉与IPO抑价率成负相关关系。

    Just as previous research , I find that IPO underpricing has a negative relationship with the reputation of underwriters .

  26. 不过现在Zynga仍然面临着一个大问题&承销商和投资者会为它IPO给出一个怎样的估值。

    The big remaining question for Zynga is how underwriters and investors value its IPO .

  27. 而且现在许多承销商都紧盯着主打社交网络牌的初创公司,人人IPO的成功也会让承销商坚信这些公司的确有盈利前景。

    And it would offer evidence to Underwriters of a deep hunger for any social-network-themed startup with a promise of profits .

  28. Facebook公司IPO的承销商投资银行摩根史丹利(MorganStanley)同意向马萨诸塞州的监管机构支付500万美元。

    Morgan Stanley ( MS ) , a Facebook IPO underwriter , agreed to pay Massachusetts regulators $ 5 million .

  29. 第三部分阐述IPO决策机制,包括外部融资时机、定价、承销商的选择和IPO发行程序。

    The third section expounds the IPO decision mechanism including exterior financing opportunities , pricing , underwriter selection and IPO issuing procedure .

  30. 中国的券商传统上依靠交易佣金、IPO承销和与股市上涨关联的其他营收来源。

    Chinese brokerages have traditionally relied on trading commissions , IPO underwriting and other revenue sources linked to a rising stock market .