
kuī kong
  • deficit;shortfall;debt;be in debt;be in the red;can't make both ends meet
亏空 [kuī kōng]
  • (1) [be in the red;be in debt]∶入不敷出因而欠人财物

  • (2) [deficit;debt]∶所欠的财物

  • 巨额亏空

亏空[kuī kong]
  1. 完成这项工程所需资金中有300万元的亏空。

    There 's a deficit of $ 3 million in the total needed to complete the project .

  2. 这家公司亏空3000美元。

    The company had a deficit of $ 3000 .

  3. 这座电影院亏空50万英镑。

    The theatre is £ 500,000 in the red

  4. 公司今年亏空不少。

    The corporation lost a lot of money this year .

  5. 过日子要是精打细算,就不至亏空。

    If you plan your budget carefully , you won 't get into debt .

  6. 国库亏空。

    The nation 's coffers are empty .

  7. 我到职之日,公司宣布:第三季度亏损几乎达到一亿六千万美元,这是历史上最大的亏空。

    The day I came aboard , the company had announced a third-quarter loss of almost $ 160 million , the worst deficit in its history .

  8. 然而,他的公司亏空了(inthered),赔的比赚的多。

    His company , however , ended up in the red . It lost more money than it earned .

  9. NBA的代理委员表示:即将过去的薪资条件创造了一个破败的模式,这个模式直接导致了职业篮球联赛的巨大财务亏空。

    " The expiring collective bargaining agreement created a broken system that produced huge financial losses for our teams ," said Adam Silver , the NBA deputy commissioner .

  10. 该文提出一种新的亏空公平优先级队列(DFPQ)算法来调度不同优先级的业务流,可以为系统提供更好的公平性。

    A Deficit Fair Priority Queue ( DFDQ ) algorithm is proposed to schedule different service flow , which provides more fairness to the system .

  11. 在新井、新层中由于地层未亏空,先期防砂均采用UP-1树脂防砂,在已生产层出砂后地层亏空的情况下采用涂料砂充填工艺,防砂效果较好。

    Because the formation is not in debt in a new reservoir , UP-1 resin is used in initial sand control . While the formation is deficit , the sand filling process by coating is an effective way .

  12. 传统商业银行会密切关注建设计划,随着项目的进行陆续发放资金,而EB-5的投资者要一次性付出资金,所以开发商可以在项目完成之前就花掉这些钱,最后可能以亏空告终。

    And while a traditional commercial bank pays close attention to construction schedules and dispenses funds as the project proceeds , EB-5 investors deliver lump sums , so a developer could spend the money before the project is complete and wind up with a funding shortfall .

  13. 杰克经营他父亲的公司时时常亏空。

    Jack often runs his father 's company in the red .

  14. 在法律推理中,情理可以弥补现代法律的价值亏空。

    It can fill up the nothingness of the ultimate legal value .

  15. 他们的营业费用中有1万美元亏空

    There 's ten large missing from their operating expenses .

  16. 财务亏空的痼疾就像浓雾一样笼罩了这个城市。

    The malaise of financial distress envelopes the city like a thick fog .

  17. 即使让赞助者陷入了亏空的境地,也要在技术上取得成功。

    Score technical successes , even if their backers weltered in red ink .

  18. 我们的教育亏空太大,不容忽视。

    Our education deficit is too wide to ignore .

  19. 计算破产前后盈余与亏空的联合分布

    Computing the Joint Distribution of the Surplus before Ruin and the Deficit at Ruin

  20. 每年这个时候,我们公司总是处于亏空状态。

    At this time of year , our company is usually in the red .

  21. 要弥补这些亏空,三年是个很短的时间。

    Three years was a short time in which to make good the deficiencies .

  22. 现在你的帐上出现了亏空。

    You account is in the red .

  23. 经济泡沫是由我们自身引起的:我肆意透支财产,终至债务亏空。

    The bubble was caused by us , by people buying property , taking on debt .

  24. 我们的确是在亏空操作,但是我们的经济至少是在发展。

    Ok , we are running at a deficit but at least it is expanding too .

  25. 清朝钱粮亏空的财政制度根源初探

    A First Inquiry into the Roots of the Fiscal System Causing Deficit Revenue in the Qing Dynasty

  26. 最后,地方政府可以通过卖地,来弥补旗下投资公司的亏空。

    Finally , the local governments can make up for losses at their investment companies by selling land .

  27. 超越与亏空&20世纪90年代以来美国新移民文学的创作新倾向

    Transcendence and Deficit : The Creative Tendency of New Immigrant Literature in the United States since the 1990s

  28. 针对有亏空和没有亏空两种情况的油水井,分别采用不同的防砂方法。

    According to shortfall and no shortfall oil or water well , methods of sand control were applied respectively .

  29. 国库亏空一向是国家重建的前奏,有这种情况的国家数量惊人。

    For a surprising number of countries , running out of money has been the prelude to national renewal .

  30. 财政预算已经亏空,现金账户几乎为零,而且比索已经估值过高了。

    The budget is in deficit , the current account is near zero , and the peso is overvalued .