
kuī sǔn
  • loss;deficit;deficiency;general debility
亏损 [kuī sǔn]
  • (1) [loss;deficit]∶支出超过收入;亏折(一般分为资金亏损和物资亏损)

  • 企业亏损

  • (2) [deficiency]∶身体因受到摧残或缺乏营养以致虚弱

亏损[kuī sǔn]
  1. 去年,公司的亏损达1.57亿英镑。

    Last year the company returned a loss of £ 157 million .

  2. 报告显示,公司去年亏损2000万英镑。

    The report reveals the company made a loss of £ 20 million last year .

  3. 这笔买卖使他们亏损了300英镑。

    After the sale they were £ 300 to the bad .

  4. 公司宣告净亏损150万元。

    The company has announced net losses of $ 1.5 million .

  5. 本年度的赢利将可弥补我们之前的亏损。

    This year 's profits will balance our previous losses .

  6. 亏损的消息令投资者人心惶惶。

    News of the losses caused panic among investors .

  7. 1999年公司的亏损达到了最严重的程度。

    Company losses reached their nadir in 1999 .

  8. 最近的亏损与年初的盈利相抵消。

    Recent losses have cancelled out any profits made at the start of the year .

  9. 年终账面显示出现了亏损。

    The end-of-year accounts show a loss .

  10. 这家公司正在亏损。

    The business is losing money .

  11. 这家公司本季度亏损了700万元,与去年同期620万元的赢利形成了对照。

    The company lost $ 7 million this quarter in contrast to a profit of $ 6.2 million a year earlier .

  12. 1986年,路虎亏损9亿英镑。

    In 1986 Rover made a loss of nine hundred million pounds

  13. 公司的亏损状况进一步恶化。

    The company is sliding even deeper into the red .

  14. 克劳克纳公司计划出售其亏损的钢铁业务。

    Klockner plans to hive off its loss-making steel businesses

  15. 这家航空公司亏损达3,500万美元,而澳航出资帮助其摆脱了困境。

    The airline had losses of $ 35m and was bailed out by Qantas .

  16. 公司承认到9月本财年结束时将会出现亏损。

    The company admits it will make a loss for the year ending September .

  17. 被解职的主席从亏损的石油公司那里拿到了150万英镑的解约金。

    The ousted chairman received a £ 1.5 million payoff from the loss-making oil company .

  18. 由于持续亏损,该公司说它将在1990年停止生产化肥。

    The company said it will stop producing fertilizer in 1990 because of continued losses .

  19. 那家公司遭受了严重亏损。

    The company endured heavy financial losses .

  20. 去年10月,由于对2,400万美元的利润变成了2,000万的亏损感到担心,这家银行畏缩了。

    Last October the bank balked , alarmed that a $ 24m profit had turned into a $ 20m deficit .

  21. 世界四大计算机制造商中的两家因销量锐减和严重亏损已闪电宣布合并。

    Two of the world 's top four computer manufacturers have announced a shotgun wedding prompted by slumping sales and disastrous financial losses .

  22. 我们今年有很大亏损。

    We have a great deficit this year .

  23. 盈利被亏损抵销了。

    The gains are balanced by the losses .

  24. 他计算了收益和亏损,所得结果是个负数。

    He calculated his gains and losses of money and the result was a minus .

  25. 那家亏损企业决定转产。

    The enterprise which has been operating in the red has decided to swith to other production .

  26. 亏损超出盈利会使生意一服不振。

    This excess of losses over profits will ruin the business .

  27. 一名优秀的会计师能迅速分析出亏损的环节。

    A good accountant can analyze an unprofitable operation quickly .

  28. 他的体力日见亏损,而大夫好像也无能为力。

    He 's just wasting away and the doctor seems unable to help .

  29. 你们在小麦方面赢利,在棉花方面却亏损。

    You gained in wheat but lost in cotton .

  30. 这家企业因亏损而陷入困境。

    The business has been crippled by losses .