
  • 网络depleted mantle
  1. 另一个是位于转换断层中-东部下面的亏损地幔,来自这个地幔源的玄武岩具有低87Sr/86Sr、低稀土元素和微量元素含量,但MgO含量较高。

    The second source is the depleted mantle , which lies underneath the mid-eastern transform domain . Basalts from this source have low 87Sr / 86Sr isotopic compositions , lower REEs and trace elements and higher contents .

  2. 它们均属南半球地幔域。亏损地幔和近原始地幔分别是三江地区MORB和OIB的源区物质。

    The MORB and OIB of the Sanjiang area were generated from the depleted mantle and the primitive mantle respectively .

  3. 辉长岩中ε(Nd)值为-6·5,表明其源区岩石不具亏损地幔特征;

    The - 6.5 ε ( Nd ) value of gabbro shows no characteristic of depleted mantle .

  4. 两件样品的γ(Os)为负值(-15.37,-6.70),可能指示其超镁铁质岩浆来源于Re亏损地幔。

    The γ Os values of two samples are negative ( - 15 . 37 and - 6 . 70 ), which indicates that the ultramafic magma might be derived from Re-depleted mantle .

  5. 大量来自俯冲板片的水和大离子亲石元素进入亏损地幔楔,使之发生部分熔融,生成的岩浆沿着扩张脊在海底喷发,形成了新的SSZ型洋壳和洋盆,时代为175Ma左右。

    Plenty of H2O and LILE entered the depleted mantle wedge , led to the partial melting . Along the spreading ridges , the magma extruded on the sea floor and formed the new SSZ-type oceanic crust and basin ( 175Ma ) .

  6. 以上事实说明华北地台区富碱侵入岩的物质来源与富集地幔关系密切,而地槽区的则与亏损地幔关系密切。

    All those facts above show that source material of the alkaline-rich intrusions in North China platform has close relationship with the enriched mantle and that of the geosynclinal area has close relationship with the depleted-mantle .

  7. 普遍认为,豆荚状铬铁矿形成于部分熔融条件下,涉及原始地幔熔体与亏损地幔橄榄岩的相互作用,伴随复杂的岩浆混合及结晶过程。

    It is widely believed that the podiform chromitites are generated under the condition of partial melting , involving the interaction between primitive mantle melt and depleted mantle peridotite , leading to complicate magma mingling and the precipitation of chromite .

  8. 同时计算了广西花山复式花岗岩的端元模式年龄,结果显示该岩体的物质来源于2500Ma华南古陆壳和622Ma从亏损地幔分异出来的大洋地壳的混合物。

    The results show that the materials of the granite body were derived from a mixing source at the Huanan basement formed at about 2500 Ma ago and an oceanic crust differentiated from DM with an age of about 622 Ma .

  9. 联系发生于晚石炭世末期的挤压收缩事件,推测这一裂解事件很可能是由造山带增厚的岩石圈拆沉导致亏损地幔部分熔融上升而造成的。

    Contacting occurred at the end of the Late Carboniferous contraction extrusion event , this cleavage event is likely to be from the belt thickening lithosphere delamination and led to partial melting of mantle that caused by an increase . 5 .

  10. 地幔流体REE的研究有助于了解地幔区域化学不均一性、地幔的富集与亏损等地幔地球化学特征。

    Study on REE in mantle fluids has significance for understanding of regional geochemical difference , mantle enrichment and depletion .

  11. 第三组火山岩形成于弧间盆地,由亏损的地幔楔高度部分熔融形成比N-MORB亏损的的火山岩(异常MORB)。

    The third group of volcanic rocks ( VTG-III ) consists of highly depleted MORB-type lavas , and is believed to have been generated by partial melting of the depleted mantle wedge in an inter-arc basin .

  12. 亏损上地幔中的富钾熔体和碳酸盐交代作用:来自CCSD预先导孔橄榄岩的地球化学证据

    K-Rich and Carbonatic Melt Metasomatism in Depleted Upper Mantle : Geochemical Evidences from Peridotites in Pre-Pilot Hole of Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project Structural Hydroxyl of Rutile in UHP Metamorphic Rocks from Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project ( CCSD ) and Areas Nearby and Its Implication for Geodynamics

  13. 岩石铅同位素构造演化模式判别结果表明,煎茶岭超基性岩石的成岩物质来自亏损上地幔;

    Projecting the lead isotope compositions on the Pb tectonic evolution model , the result indicates that the raw material of Jianchaling ultrabasic rock coming from the deplete upper mantle .

  14. 古中元古代时,琼中屯昌变基性-超基性岩,为大洋型火山岛弧低钾拉斑玄武岩,明显具有镁铁质-玄武质科马提岩特征,来源于高度亏损的地幔;

    At the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic era , the meta-basic-ultrabasic rocks on eastern Hainan are oceanic low K arc tholeiite with the features of mafic-basaltic komatiite evidently , originated from highly depleted mantle and are formed under the tectonic setting of volcanic arc .

  15. 据此,可以将新疆南部和北部划分为两个明显不同的同位素地球化学省。南部省以富集型地幔的同位素组成为特征,而北部省以亏损型地幔的同位素组成为特征。

    Accordingly , the northern and southern parts of Xinjiang can be divided into two obviously different isotopic geochemical provinces : the northern province is characterized by isotopic compositions of the depleted mantle , whereas the southern province by isotopic compositions of the enriched mantle .

  16. 二者具有相似的SrNd同位素组成,Isr和εNd(t)值分别介于0.7039~0.7045和+1.60~+3.69,反映了亏损的岩石圈地幔特征。

    They have similar Sr-Nd isotopic compositions . The I_ sr and ε _ Nd ( t ) values are 0.7039 ~ 0.7045 and + 1.60 ~ + 3.69 , respectively . It implies that they could be derived from the depleted lithospheric mantle .

  17. 变质方辉橄榄岩的微量元素地球化学及矿物化学特征表明,应为亏损的残余地幔产物。

    Trace element geochemistry and mineral chemistry studies on the metamorphosed harzburgite indicate that it is the relict of the depleted mantle .

  18. 溢流玄武岩的同位素体系特征表明它们的源区涉及再循环地幔的壳幔混合、岩石圈减压熔融、上&下地幔过渡带和似原始-略亏损的下地幔。

    Isotopic systematics of flood basalts indicate that their sources are involved in crust-mantle mixing in a recycled mantle , decompression melting of lithosphere .

  19. 地球化学研究揭示,榴辉岩的原岩很可能是形成在大陆内部构造环境的拉斑玄武岩,而石榴石橄榄岩可能是起源于亏损的残余地幔。

    The chemical characteristics indicate that the protolith of eclogites were possibly tholeiite with a continental affinity , whereas the garnet peridotites were derived from a depleted mantle .

  20. 它们具有轻稀土亏损型配分型式,Ti/V、Th/Ta、Th/Yb、Ta/Yb比值指示其原始岩浆来源于软流圈亏损地幔的高程度平衡部分熔融。

    They show a LREE depletion and their Ti / V , Th / Ta , Th / Yb , Ta / Yb indicate that their primary magma originated from depletive mantle of asthenosphere by high degree equilibrium partial melting , must be considered as component of the ophiolite .