
  • 网络Loss;Operating loss;deficit
  1. 荷兰国际集团ING首席执行官无奈辞职,该银行季度亏损额巨大,并将进一步寻求政府援助。

    ING 's chief executive resigned when the Dutch bank said it expected a big quarterly loss and would seek further government assistance .

  2. 而2003年前三季度全行业累计亏损额已达34亿元。

    In the first three quarters of 2003 , it 's total loss was 34 billions .

  3. 夏普(Sharp)亏损额最小,为3760亿日元。

    Sharp set a company low by losing Y376bn .

  4. 该行动是索尼支持其游戏部门的措施之一。目前索尼的游戏部门正面临困境,其PS3业务亏损额超过预期。

    The move is part of efforts by Sony to shore up its games division , which is suffering worse-than-expected losses from its PlayStation 3 console .

  5. 电子产品制造商TCL在2005年收购了汤姆逊(Thomson)的电视制造业务和阿尔卡特(Alcatel)的手机部门,但是随着企业亏损额不断盘旋上升,不得不逐渐缩减两块业务的规模。

    TCL , electronics maker , took over Thomson 's television manufacturing business and Alcatel 's handset unit in 2005 but had to wind down both businesses following spiralling losses .

  6. 上周,瑞穗(Mizuho)成为最新一家原本预期盈利但最终披露巨亏的日本银行,该行本财年的亏损额接近60亿美元。

    Last week , Mizuho became the latest Japanese bank to reveal that hoped-for profits had turned into massive losses , in its case close to $ 6bn in the year .

  7. 未来三年,它们的亏损额可能还会增加两倍。

    And they are expected to treble their losses over the next three years .

  8. 对于一家在2009年至2010年亏损额扩大近两倍的公司而言,这样的涨幅相当可观。

    Not too shabby for a company whose losses nearly tripled between 2009 and 2010 .

  9. 由于去年亏损额攀升,马来西亚航空公司同意将大部分国内航班移交至亚洲航空运营。

    MAS agreed to hand over most of its domestic flights to AirAsia after mounting losses last year .

  10. 中央银行各类投资的实际亏损额是一个受到严密保护的国家秘密。

    The actual declines in value of the central bank 's various investments are a carefully guarded state secret .

  11. 无论股价下跌了多少,你最多会蒙受的亏损额是买进期权的价格。

    The maximum amount you can lose is the call price , regardless of how much the share price has fallen .

  12. 当然,业主权益将通过把亏损额借记资本账户而减少。

    The owner 's equity will , of course , be reduced by the amount of the loss debited to the capital account .

  13. 自从2007年与印度人航空公司——专营国内航线的国有航空公司——的一次灾难性合并以来,印度航空公司的亏损额不断增长(见图表)。

    Its losses have ballooned since a disastrous 2007 merger with Indian Airlines , its state-owned counterpart for domestic routes ( see chart ) .

  14. 这将是一个重大的事件转折点&2009年房利美和房地美的亏损额超过了《财富》美国500强中的其他任何公司。

    This would be a significant turn of events & Fannie and Freddie lost more money than any other Fortune 500 company in 2009 .

  15. 它的收入增长确实引人注目,但推动收入增长的是不断扩大的亏损额以及从业界巨擘那里夺取的市场份额,这一点和其他行业新贵一模一样。

    The company is fueling its impressive revenue growth by adding to its losses , taking market share from incumbent giants as an upstart Challenger must do .

  16. 本研究以沈阳市的国有企业为研究对象,将亏损额大于折旧额作为企业陷入财务困境的标志。

    This study regards that deficit surpass depreciation as a signal of financial distress , and tries to predict financial failure of state-owned enterprises of Shenyang City .

  17. 即使欧宝能够在2015年实现其收支平衡的乐观目标,一些分析师估计,这家公司自2000年以来的亏损额累计将达200亿美元。

    Even if Opel meets its optimistic target of break-even by mid-decade , some analysts estimate that its losses since 2000 will cumulate to $ 20 billion by then .

  18. 在英国,苏格兰皇家银行公布2008年亏损额高达340亿美元,创下英国企业史上最大的年度亏损记录。

    In Britain , the Royal Bank of Scotland , or RBS , has posted the largest annual loss in U.K. corporate history with a $ 34 billion shortfall for 2008 .

  19. 即将上任的百事可乐公司前高管将面临的决定包括如何处理塔吉特公司的加拿大店面,自去年开业以来,这些店面的亏损额已超过10亿美元。

    Among the decisions that the former Pepsico executive will face is what to do about Target 's Canadian stores which have lost more than 1 billion dollars since they opened last year .

  20. 根据年底前美元兑澳元和欧元的走势,亏损额可能会有所出入。到年底时,中信泰富为制定财务年报必须根据市值计价。

    The losses could rise or fall depending on the US dollar 's performance against the Australian dollar and euro until the end of the year , when Citic Pacific must mark-to-market for reporting purposes .

  21. 这一估计亏损额与一些分析师的预期相符,纽约股市午盘时该股上涨3%至45.40美元,以此推算,该银行的市值仅略高于2000亿美元。

    The estimated losses were in line with some analysts ' expectations and the shares were up 3 per cent at $ 45.40 at noon in New York , valuing the bank at just over $ 200bn .

  22. 一年前,通用的亏损额达到历史最高点。为此通用不得不关闭工厂、大幅裁员、艰难地以最低价格处理汽车,还要花上数十亿美元用于支撑前零件供应商——德尔福。

    A year ago GM was making record losses , closing plants and slashing its workforce . It was struggling to sell cars at rock-bottom prices and faced having to pay out billions of dollars to prop up Delphi , its former parts unit .

  23. 年其它业务利润(亏损)额

    Profit ( loss ) from other operation of the year

  24. 被投资单位以后实现净利润的,投资企业在其收益分享额弥补未确认的亏损分担额后,恢复确认收益分享额。

    If the invested entity realizes any net profits later , the investing enterprise shall , after the amount of its attributable share of profits offsets against its attributable share of the un-recognized losses , resume to recognize its attributable share of profits .

  25. 亏损企业亏损额137.4亿元,下降30.11%;产品销售率98.93%,增长0.04个百分点。

    The deficit of enterprises was 13.74 billion yuan , 30.11 % less than 2001 . The products sold rate was 98.93 % , 0.04 % higher than 2001 .

  26. 1-2月份亏损企业亏损额同比下降12%,减亏幅度加大8.2个百分点。

    In the first two months , the losses of loss-making enterprises dropped by 12 percent , 8.2 percentage points greater than the margin of decline in last year 's same period .

  27. 国有及国有控股工业企业实现利润要比1999年有较大增加,亏损企业亏损额大幅度下降。

    The state-owned and state holding industrial enterprises shall achieve a profit with a big positive margin than they did in1999 and the amount of loss for the deficit-ridden enterprises shall be reduced by a large margin .

  28. 亏损钢厂的亏损额增长了逾7倍。

    Losses reported by unprofitable mills increased more than sevenfold .

  29. 这会将是该公司有史以来第一笔运营亏损,2011亏损额大约为16亿欧元。

    This will give the firm its first ever operating loss , of perhaps € 1.6 billion for 2011 .

  30. 近两三年来,佛山市直工业企业亏损面、亏损额不断增加,企业营运效益下降,工业增长质量呈下降趋势。

    In the past three years , Foshan municipal industry had a lot of deficit while the quality increase has been declining .