
  • 网络Beetle;Volkswagen Beetle;new beetle;VW Beetle;volkswagen
  1. 我是婴儿潮早期出生的那一代人。像许多同龄人一样,我的第一台车是一台大众甲壳虫(VolkswagenBeetle)。

    Like many members of my early baby boom generation , my first car was a Volkswagen Beetle .

  2. 不过,这位在双城市(TwinCities)的市郊从事可持续农业生产的农夫,所做的事要离谱得多:在自己那辆2005年大众甲壳虫敞篷车的副驾座位地垫上,种出了一小块微型菜园(microgreen)。

    Rather , Ms. Millard , a sustainable farmer outside the Twin Cities , did something even more unlikely : she grew a crop of microgreens on the passenger-side floor mat of her 2005 VW Beetle convertible .

  3. 皮耶希是大众甲壳虫车设计者费迪南德保时捷(FerdinandPorsche)的外孙,费迪南德保时捷帮助创建了保时捷公司。皮耶希一直心怀合并两家公司的抱负。

    The grandson of Ferdinand Porsche , the designer of the VW Beetle who helped found Porsche , has long harboured an ambition to unite the two companies .

  4. 一队多数由年轻女子驾驶的柔和色调的大众甲壳虫(vwbeetles),排成庄严的单列纵队行进,为了保持队形甚至不惜闯红灯。

    A cortege of pastel-coloured VW beetles , driven mostly by young girls , proceeded past in stately single file , running red lights to stay in formation .

  5. 据称,大约600万女性观看了比赛,而曲线优美、可爱的菲亚特500因为广告上的拟人化表现成为了与大众甲壳虫和MiniCooper同一档次的“女性车”。

    Well , it turns out some six million women are said to watch NFL games , and the anthropomorphic appearance of the curvy-cute 500 lands it in the same company as other " chick cars " like the VW Beetle and the Mini Cooper .

  6. 《每日邮报》报道,英国工程师基于大众甲壳虫,改造出一种名为“Bio-Bug”的汽车,使用污水处理厂产生的沼气作为能源。

    British engineers have converted a Volkswagen Beetle into the " Bio-Bug ", a car powered by the biogas produced from human waste at sewage plants , the Daily Mail reported .

  7. 震惊的;惊讶的一名妇女被震惊的,讽刺的是,瓢虫似乎是吸引她的淡黄色大众甲壳虫。

    stunned One woman was stunned as , ironically , the ladybirds seemed to be attracted to her canary yellow VW Beetle .

  8. 他住在一个简陋的农场,开一辆老旧的大众甲壳虫汽车,他身边的伙伴是一只3条腿的狗。

    Mr. Mujica 's lifestyle includes living on a modest farm and driving an aging , weathered Volkswagen Beetle . His three-legged dog is his almost-constant companion .

  9. 后来,也就在那一年,他决定去旅行,于是将自己百分之五十的股份卖给了他的兄弟,换取一辆二手的大众甲壳虫汽车。

    But later that year , he decided to go travelling , and so sold his50 per cent share in the business to his brother in exchange for a used Volkswagen Beetle .

  10. 新编辑手记大众新型甲壳虫轿车

    New Beetle Car of VW AG

  11. 此时,距离大众经典甲壳虫车队出发的时间,已经过去了整整一个月的时间。

    So far , a month had passed away since the Volkswagen Beetle team started its journey .

  12. 第一种方式是对现有车型进行改造,最常见的车型是大众的甲壳虫。

    The first involves alteration of an existing vehicle , most notably the older Volkswagen Type One ( Beetle , or Bug ) .

  13. 2003年的今天,最后一辆大众旧款“甲壳虫”滚下墨西哥普贝拉工厂中的流水线。

    2003-The last Volkswagen old-style Beetle rolls off the assembly line at Puebla , Mexico .