
  • 网络Yamato period
  1. 认为日本汉诗起源于大和时代后期,以《怀风藻》中大友皇子所作《侍宴》和《述怀》为日本汉诗的滥觞。

    Think Japanese Han Poetry originated of the Japanese Era of the late , by the pregnant wind algae in the Large Friends of Prince the " Shi feast " and " Shu Huai " for Japan the beginning of Han Poetry .

  2. 无论是马克思还是海德格尔对机器大工业时代和技术时代对人的奴役都作了犀利、深刻的批判。

    Both Marx and Heidegger made a sharp and profound critique of large-scale mechanist technological era and of its enslavement of human beings .

  3. 随着现代工业生产发展,电能需求日益增强,电力工业进入了大电网、大机组和高度自动化时代。

    Following with the modern industry production development , energy demand increases increasingly , power industry to enter the more power grid , big unit and highly automation era .