
  • 网络Clovis;CVN
  1. 克洛维斯的后裔687年在法国的战斗。

    A battle in France in 687 among the descendants of Clovis .

  2. 我想汉普顿先生不会喜欢,克洛维斯说。

    ' I don 't think Mr Hampton would like that , 'said Clovis .

  3. 你们也能猜到,在捕猎点和扎营地点都发现了克洛维斯矛头。

    Clovis points have been discovered at both hunting grounds and camp sites , which you might expect .

  4. 所以一旦人们发现了克洛维斯矛头,通常不会把它和后期别的矛头混起来。

    So when one is found , it 's usually not confused with points made by later groups .

  5. 克洛维斯(美联社)-克洛维斯消防员继周一饲料电梯发生严重火灾后将关注此电梯。

    CLOVIS ( AP ) & Clovis firefighters will be keeping an eye on a feed elevator after a stubborn fire Monday .

  6. 早期的一些教科书,被罗马人所征服,其它人仍然是克洛维斯,查理曼或休卡佩(所有下面提到)。

    Some textbooks start with prehistory , others with the Roman conquest , others still with Clovis , Charlemagne or Hugh Capet ( all mentioned below ) .

  7. 这么看吧,当克洛维斯人刚来到美洲时,对于这个新环境,他们有很多东西要学。

    Look at it this way : when the Clovis people first arrived in the Americas , they had a lot to learn about their new environment .

  8. 克洛维斯贮藏物是指一系列包括石矛头和其它用石头或骨头做的工具,完成程度各有不同,有些还未完工。

    The Clovis caches are collections of tools , stone points and other tools made of stone or bone , often at various stages of manufacture , some were left unfinished .