
  • 网络Kraft;Craft;Hannelore Kraft;krafft
  1. 今年8月,克拉夫特宣称百事会将国际化的食品品牌从北美杂货业务中分离出去,其北美杂货业务包括麦克斯韦尔家庭咖啡,Jell-O和OscarMayermeats。

    In August , Kraft announced that itwould split its international snack brands ( Trident gum , Cadbury 's chocolate ) from its North American grocery business , including Maxwell House coffee , Jell-O and Oscar Mayer meats .

  2. 来看看德国东部福尔克尔•克拉夫特家的花园,然后再想想吧。

    Check out Volker Kraft 's garden in eastern Germany , and think again .

  3. 克拉夫特博士称,美国病人接受CT扫描的可能性是英国病人的五倍。

    Patients are five times as likely to receive a CT scan in the U.S. as in the U.K. , said Dr. Craft .

  4. 罗斯将公司19%的利益出让给克里斯•克拉夫特产业公司(Chris-CraftIndustries),以交换克里斯•克拉夫特的广播业子公司。

    Ross handed a 19 % interest in the company to Chris-Craft industries in exchange for an interest in a chriscraft broadcasting subsidiary .

  5. 此外,克里斯•克拉夫特还额外买进了华纳公司的股票,使其总持股比例超过21%。

    Chriscraft has bought additional shares , raising its total to more than 21 % of Warner .

  6. 克拉夫特在1965年开始在复活节装饰这棵苹果树,最开始上面只挂了18颗彩蛋。

    Kraft 's apple sapling sported just 18 eggs when he first decorated it for Easter in 1965 .

  7. 但除非他能够说服法院撤销克里斯–克拉夫特的交易,否则他只能承认失败。

    But unless he can persuade the courts to undo the chriscraft deal , Murdoch looks like a loser .

  8. 另外,前文引用的克拉夫特和普莱斯曼的研究表明微笑能改善心脏的健康状况,因为微笑能在重压下减缓心率。

    Additionally , the research by Kraft and Pressman cited above , indicates that smiling may improve heart health by decreasing heart rate after stressful events .

  9. 数十年前,克拉夫特开始用塑料彩蛋装饰这棵果树,但随后开始用真鸡蛋,并在家人的帮助下清空鸡蛋的蛋清和蛋黄,在鸡蛋壳上绘制图案。

    Kraft started with plastic eggs decades ago , but later switched to real eggs and enlisted his family 's help in blowing out the insides of the eggs and painting them .

  10. 另外,堪萨斯大学的克拉夫特和普莱斯曼研究发现,微笑可以减缓心跳速率,降低感压程度,从而改变一个人的应激反应,这与这个人到底开不开心没有什么关系。

    Additionally , research by Tara Kraft and Sarah Pressman at the University of Kansas demonstrated that smiling can alter our stress response by slowing down the heart rate and decreasing perceived levels of stress regardless of whether the person actually feels happy or not .