
  • 网络Taylor's mean value theorem
  1. 应用泰勒中值定理研究函数的方法总结

    A summary of methods of study of function by using Taylor mid-value theorem

  2. 给出新型泰勒中值定理的中间点在较弱条件下的渐近估计式。

    This paper gives the asymptotic estimations of the " intermediate point " of the Taylor mean value .

  3. 本文讨论了应用泰勒中值定理研究函数时,如何合理选择展开点的问题。

    In this paper , We show how to choose expansion point reasonably at study of functions by using Talor mid-value theorem .

  4. 利用泰勒公式,给出中值定理“中值点”渐近性质的一个定量刻画。

    Using the Taylor formula , gives the theorem of mean " the value point " an approach nature quota portray .

  5. 本文从一道习题谈起,利用泰勒公式,讨论中值定理中值点的渐进性质。

    This paper deals with the asymptotic property on the middle point of the mean value theorem according to a exercise by using the Taylor formula .