
  • 网络Taylor series;Taylor’s series;taylor series expansion;taylor expansion
  1. 基于泰勒级数拟合的机器人模糊连续变增益H∞控制

    Fuzzy continuous gain scheduled H_ ∞ control based on Taylor series fitting for robotic manipulators

  2. 无线adhoc网络基于泰勒级数展开的节点定位技术

    Nodes positioning technology based on Taylor series expansion in Ad Hoc network

  3. 用改进后的泰勒级数修正法确定具有表面裂纹的圆柱壳体的应力强度因子k1

    Determining SIF K_1 of A Cylindrical Shell with A Surface Flaw Using An Improved TSCM

  4. 基于RBF神经网络的泰勒级数展开定位算法

    Taylor-series expansion location algorithm based on RBF neural network

  5. WCDMA网络中基于泰勒级数展开的TDOA定位技术研究

    TDOA location technology based on Taylor series expansion in WCDMA network

  6. 基于泰勒级数展开的蜂窝TDOA定位算法

    A new TDOA algorithm based on Taylor series expansion in cellular networks

  7. 因此讨论在高温下的晶格热膨胀至少要保留U(r0+δ)的泰勒级数展开式中的δ4项。

    Therefore when we discuss lattice thermal expansion , we must have at least δ ~ 4 in the expand formula of Taylor series .

  8. 一种基于泰勒级数的简化的Kóczy线性插值推理方法

    Simplified K ó czy 's Linear Interpolative Reasoning Method Based on Taylor Progression

  9. 对估计算法的克莱美-罗界分析和仿真结果表明,所提出的基于部分泰勒级数展开的BLUE算法的精度逼近克莱美-罗界。

    Cramer-Rao bound of this algorithm is derived and the simulation results show that accuracy of the BLUE method based on partly Taylor expansion is approximately equal to Cramer-Rao bound .

  10. 基于泰勒级数展开的N-1牛顿拉夫逊法快速潮流修正计算

    Taylor Series Expansion Based N-1 Fast Power Flow Revision Calculation Using Newton-Raphson Method

  11. 新方法首先通过阵列方向矢量的泰勒级数展开获得关于分布源中心DOA的两个近似旋转不变关系。

    The new method firstly obtains two approximate rotational invariance relations about distributed sources central DOA by the Taylor series expansion of array steering vector .

  12. 将基本的微分方程改写成标准的S系统(synergisticandsaturablesystem)形式,然后采用变阶变步长的泰勒级数法对统一的S系统规范形式进行求解。

    One first recasts fundamental equations into S-system ( synergistic and saturable system ) canonical form and then solves the resulting set of simultaneous first-order differential equations by a variable-order , variable-step Taylor series method .

  13. 以泰勒级数法的理论模型为基础,研究它在纯方位TMA中的应用问题。

    Based on the theoretical mathematical procedure , investigating the application of the Taylor - Series method in bearings-only TMA .

  14. 本文对定位算法进行了深入研究,研究了加权最小二乘算法、泰勒级数展开算法、混合定位算法、多维定标算法(MDS)等算法。

    We make a detail analysis about mobile location , including Weighted Least Square method , Taylor method , hybrid method and Multi-Dimensional Scaling ( MDS ) method .

  15. 人工制作模拟裂纹,由等差线得到最大剪应力值,根据泰勒级数修正法用最小二乘方原理确定K1的实验值,其精度符合工程要求。

    The maximum shearing stress was obtained from isochromatic fringe . The experimental values K , were determined by the Taylor series correction method ( TSCM ) on the principle of least square . This accuracy meets the requirements of engineering problems .

  16. 实验证明,该方法的定位误差性能优于单纯的TDOA定位方法及静态定位方法中泰勒级数展开法的误差性能。

    Simulations showed that the performance of the proposed tracking method was better than the TDOA tracking method and the static location of Taylor series expansion algorithm .

  17. 当系统是非线性时,EKF可以利用非线性函数的一阶泰勒级数展开对其进行线性近似,提供一种次优估计。

    When the system is nonlinear , EKF does linear approximation for nonlinear system using first order Taylor series expansion and it can provide a suboptimal estimation .

  18. 首先结合变增益H∞理论和LMI方法,运用泰勒级数拟合设计连续变增益H∞控制器,使其适合系统状态变化快的对象;

    This scheme combines the gain scheduled H ∞ theory with LMI approach to design a continuous gain scheduled H ∞ controller , which is applicable to systems with fast state variations , with the use of Taylor series fitting .

  19. 在此基础上,使用泰勒级数展开算法和二次WLS估计求解非线性定位方程组,以获得更高的节点定位精度。

    On the basis of this , both the Taylor series expansion algorithm and two-times WLS estimation are applied to optimize the location estimation .

  20. 通过把电流在感兴趣的频率点处采用泰勒级数或者Pade有理函数展开,来获得理想导体某频带范围内的电流,从而可求出宽带雷达散射截面。

    The electric current is expanded in a Taylor series or Pade rational function around the frequency of interest , thus the scattering field is obtained over the bandwidth .

  21. 为满足湍流的工程计算要求,从泰勒级数展开出发,构造了三维可压缩流场Navierstokes方程时间上二阶精度、空间上四阶精度的改进型MacCormack有限体积格式。

    Based on analysis of Taylor expansion , advanced MacCormack finite volume scheme with second order in time and fourth order in space is constructed to meet turbulent simulation in 3D Navier-Stokes compressible flows .

  22. 在离散泰勒级数型联想记忆系统(DTS-AMS)的基础上,提出了一种模型参数在线估计方法,为DTS-AMS在智能控制和信号处理领域中的应用提供了新的途径。

    A novel method of the on-line model parameter estimation using the associative memory system via discrete Taylor series ( DTS-AMS ) is proposed . It makes a new access to applying the DTS-AMS to intelligent control and signal processing .

  23. 利用高斯卷积递归实现获得光条纹各点的Hessian矩阵,以便确定光条纹各点的法线方向,然后在法线方向利用泰勒级数展开求得光条纹中心的亚像素位置。

    The normal directions for the points of the light stripe are determined by Hessian matrix , which are obtained from recursive implementation of Gaussian convolution . The sub-pixel center of light stripe can be found in normal directions with Taylor series expansion .

  24. 该算法基于简化的四参数仿射变换模型而不是传统的刚体变换模型,成功地避免了keren算法因为角度的泰勒级数展开所带来的误差,大大地提高了配准精度。

    The improvement approach base on the four parameters affine transformation model and refuses the rigid body transformation model . This change avoids the error that is brought on by the tailor series expansion of angle and improves the precise of image registration greatly .

  25. 单位圆内零级泰勒级数的增长性

    The growth of zero order Taylor series in the unit circle

  26. 电力系统暂态稳定分段计算法的泰勒级数分析

    Taylor series analysis of power system transient stability segment calculation

  27. 这里使用泰勒级数得到的结果实际上比我想像的要精确。

    The Taylor series here actually proved more accurate than I expected .

  28. 基于泰勒级数实现的新型神经网络集的研究

    New Neural Networks Based on Taylor Series and Their Research

  29. 格式精度分析采用泰勒级数展开的方法。

    An error analysis using Taylor series expansion is applied .

  30. 泰勒级数在一类不等式证明中的应用

    Applications of Taylor 's series in a kind of inequalities