
tài luó
  • Tiro;thyrode
泰罗[tài luó]
  1. 泰罗管理思想对NPM管理主义取向的影响

    NPM Managerialism Orientation under the Influence of Taylor 's Thought on Scientific Management

  2. 泰罗尔军事长用谁的名字命名了黑鸟秘密战斗机?

    By whom was chief tyrol 's blackbird stealth fighter named ?

  3. 泰罗的科学管理理论对地方政府危机管理的启示

    The Implication of Scientific Management Theory for Local Government Crisis Management

  4. 泰罗《科学管理原理》中的统计学问题

    Statistical Problem of the Principles of Scientific Management by F.W.Taylor

  5. 新经济下对泰罗经济人假设的再认识

    Reflection on Taylor 's " economic man " hypothesis in the new economy

  6. 我们重读泰罗的思想和理论,会找到许多能与我们现有环境的结合点。

    We can find joints between our environment and Taylor ' scientific management .

  7. 在波尔塔演讲期间,泰罗尔做了什么?

    What does Tyrol do during Baltar 's speech ?

  8. 泰罗科学管理理论中的人力资源管理思想与意义

    On the Thoughts and Meaning of Human Resource Management About Taylor 's Scientific Management

  9. 社会的经济人&论泰罗科学管理理论中的人本思想

    Economic Person of the Society-On the Human-centered Thought in Taylor 's Scientific Management Theories

  10. 论管理学新现代泰罗主义

    On the New-Modern Taylorism of Management

  11. 在劳资合作新思想的指导下,泰罗开创了管理理论之先河。

    Under the guidance of a new ideaLabour & Capital Cooperation , Taylor first put forward management theory .

  12. 泰罗创立的科学管理理论是20世纪初形成于西方的古典管理理论之一,但其是否隐含着人本管理思想?

    Taylor 's scientific management theory is one of the classical management theories in the early 20th century .

  13. 在“明年再见”这集中,泰罗尔和凯莉在哪里被困,当时氧气泄漏?

    Where are Tyrol and Cally trapped with an oxygen leak in " A Day in the Life "?

  14. 泰罗的新哲学认为,科学的方法能够而且必须应用于所有的管理问题。

    Taylor 's new philosophy stated that the scientific method could and should be applied to all managerial problems .

  15. 如果你是联盟,就到奥蕾莉亚要塞的旅店老板贝莉比(泰罗卡森林)那里买“食谱:香辣小龙虾”。

    If your Alliance , go see Innkeeper Biribi in Allerian Stronghold ( Terokkar Forest ) and buy Recipe : Spicy Crawdad .

  16. 泰罗、法约尔、韦伯等创立的西方古典组织理论模式保证了西方现代社会及其教育有序向前发展。

    Taylor , Henri . Fayol and Max. Weber 's classic organizational theories guaranteed the development of western modern society and education .

  17. 泰罗卡火鸡时间:穿着朝圣者的长裙,长袍,或盛装中的任一件,战胜利爪之王艾吉斯。

    Defeat Talon King Ikiss while wearing a Pilgrim 's Hat and either a Pilgrim 's Dress , Robe , or Attire .

  18. 丹尼尔·贝尔认为泰罗是将科技治国论方式用于实际的工业实践方面也许最重要的人物。

    In Daniel Bell 's mind , Taylor is perhaps the most important person applying the theory of " technocracy " to the actual industrial practice .

  19. 泰罗用男性的声音向来宾介绍一对新人、让新人向来宾们鞠躬,并履行了其“程序化”的职责。

    In a male voice , the robot introduced the couple to the crowd , let the couple bow to them and performed its programmed duties .

  20. 借鉴泰罗的科学管理原理,有针对性地采取各种措施,对提高我国地方政府的危机管理水平具有十分重要的现实意义。

    It is of essential realistic significance to use Talor 's scientific management theory and take all kinds of pertinent measures to improve our local governments'ability of crisis management .

  21. 目标管理是以泰罗的科学管理和行为科学理论为基础形成的一套管理制度。

    Management by objects ( MBO ) is a set of ( management ) regulatory regimes formed on the basis of Taylor 's scientific management and behavior or science theory .

  22. 以刚性管理为基本内容的泰罗制,促成了由传统的经验管理向科学管理的转化,开创了科学管理的新纪元。

    Abstract Taylor system with hard management as its basic contents has promoted the transition from experience management to scientific management , the founding of a new epoch of scientific management .

  23. 通过本文研究,希望中小家族企业的管理者能够全面而正确地认识贯彻泰罗制思想的现实意义,为家族企业的发展提供管理理念上的支撑。

    The managers of small and medium-sized family business can fully and correctly understand the practical significance for the development of family businesses on the provision of management support through this paper .

  24. 泰罗创立的科学管理原理的核心是标准化、规范化和制度化管理,它是管理的基础,直到今天仍有重大的现实意义。

    The core of the principles of scientific management founded by Taylor is the management of standardization and regularization , which is the foundation of management and of great significance up to now .

  25. 在“黑暗的对手”一章中,已经成为一个成熟绝地武士的魁刚,在泰罗斯4号卫星上发现了一个名叫萨那托斯的小男孩,这个男孩与原力的联系极为强大。

    As revealed in The Dark Rival , Qui-Gon , by now a full-fledged Jedi , discovers a young boy from Telos IV named Xanatos who exhibits a strong connection to the Force .

  26. 泰罗的科学管理实现了从传统经验主义管理方式向理性的科学主义管理方式的转变,开创了理性在管理中占主导作用的时代。

    Taylor 's scientific management has realized the change from the tradition empiricism management to the rational scientific management , and founded the time in which rational factor occupies the leading role in the management .

  27. 这个名叫泰罗的机器人为它的设计工程师之一锡京载的婚礼担任了司仪,锡工程师的婚礼在位于首尔以南130公里的大田市举行。

    Tiro the robot assisted at the wedding of Seok Gyeong-Jae , one of the engineers who designed it , and his bride at Daejeon , 130 kilometres ( 78 miles ) south of Seoul .

  28. 从泰罗的科学管理到当代的人本管理,尽管各种管理理论各有其研究的侧重点和内容,但其本质上都有一个共同的目的.就是要解决如何对人的行为进行控制的问题。

    From Taylor 's scientific management to the humanistic management in contemporary , although each kind of management theory has its emphasis and content , it also has a common goal that is how to control human 's behavior .

  29. 本文详细地阐述了泰罗《科学管理原理》中统计方法的应用,并提出常用的各种统计方法以及它们所能解决的各类企业管理问题,最后讨论了如何运用统计方法去解决企业管理实际问题。

    Taylor is elaborated in this paper . all sorts of statistical techniques for management of enterprises in common use are provided . lastly how to solve the actual problem of management of enterprises by means of statistical techniques is discussed .

  30. 本文认为,应当借鉴泰罗的科学管理原理,提高我国政府和企业的安全生产管理水平,使之达到科学管理的层次,从而促进安全生产整体形势的好转。

    The paper indicates that The Principles of Scientific Management by Frederick Winslow Taylor should be learned to improve Chinese authorities ' and governments ' production safety management level . Only by means of scientific management can the incidents of production insecurity accidents cut down .