
  • 网络Crimea;Kareem;Krim;Crimée
  1. 克里木战争与欧洲格局的变迁

    The Crimean War and The Change of European Pattern

  2. 1853-1856年的克里木战争,是导致欧洲格局变化的重大事件。

    The Crimean War ( 1853-1856 ) was a significant event leading to the great change of European pattern .

  3. 1856年的克里木战争,是世界近代史上的重大事件。

    The Crimean War ( 1853-1856 ) was one of the important international wars in morden history of the world .

  4. 俄罗斯干涉格鲁吉亚之后,有人担忧俄罗斯给乌克兰施加的压力会增加,可能会鼓动拥有大量俄罗斯族人的克里木半岛独立。

    Following Russian intervention in Georgia and its recognition of two breakaway Georgian regions , there has been concern about increased Russian pressure on Ukraine and that it might try to foster a separatist movement in the Crimea , which has a large ethnic-Russian population .