
  • 网络Kevin
  1. 大卫.克文和约翰正在吃一些水果。

    David , Kevin , and John are eating some fruit .

  2. 克文病得严重以致无法来上课。

    Kevin is so sick that he cant come to class .

  3. 今年的圣派却客日(注1)派对的气氛是萧瑟的,虽然在华盛顿,爱尔兰总理布莱恩克文(BrianCowen)一如既往地赠送了一盆三叶草给美国总统(注2),欧巴马。

    This year 's St Patrick Day 's parties were glum , even in Washington , where Brian Cowen , the Irish taoiseach , gave Barack Obama the usual bunch of shamrock ( see above ) .

  4. 克文放学后时常去大卫的家。

    Kevin often goes to David 's house after school .

  5. 大卫在黄家吃了晚饭,吃完晚饭之后,他和克文一起做他们的家庭作业。

    They had a lot of homework that day .

  6. 大卫和克文是好朋友。

    David and Kevin are good friends .

  7. 克文:他会说中国话吗?

    Kevin : can he speak chinese ?

  8. 上星期日,克文整天放东西到箱子里,他那晚很晚睡。

    Last Saturday , Kevin put things in boxes all day . He went to bed very late that night .

  9. 我想劝告你提防克文,自从你抢走了他的女朋友以来,他一直在寻找机会报复你。

    I would advise you to be wary of Kevin ; he 's been gunning for you since you stole his girlfriend .

  10. 我和克文将在未来几天内好好谈谈,我会欢迎他加入竞选活动,她表示。

    Kevin and I will have a chat in coming days , and I would welcome him on the campaign trail , she said .

  11. 听了那桩谋杀案我很伤心,但我没有为此担心。我那时正在远处,根本不知道什么谋杀的事。将会容易地解释清这一点。这样我便随那些人去了克文法官住的大屋子。

    I was sad to hear of the murder , but I did not worry about it . I had been far away at the time , and knew nothing about any murder.It would be easy to explain that.So I went with the men to the large house where Judge Kerwin lived .