
  1. 苏秦看到家人这样对待他,十分伤心。

    Suqin 's heart was broken seeing that his family treated him like this .

  2. 一般地说,苏秦“合纵术”被世人冠之以权变之术。

    In general , Su Qin 's unite means is called a variable means .

  3. 对帛书所载苏秦事迹判定不一的现状影响了帛书的利用价值。

    Disagreed judgments on the books copied on silk , however , affect their utilization value .

  4. 苏秦为了驱除睡意,便将一把锥子放在身边。

    Therefore , I order to eliminate drowsiness , Shu Qin kept an awl by his side .

  5. 先秦时期士的人生追求&以苏秦为例

    On the Life Pursuit of Period Officials in Pre-Qin Period & Taking Su Qin as an example

  6. 到家时,苏秦已骨瘦如柴,全身破烂肮脏不堪,满脸尘土。

    When he arrived at home , he was lean as a rake , in rags and dirty .

  7. 策士的代表苏秦、张仪等在产生的时代就被当作反面的教材,加以指责。

    Su Qin representatives policymakers , in the Yi , and other times has been as negative materials to be blamed .

  8. 最后,就该幕墙设计的若干问题进行了讨论。苏秦、张仪纵横说辞探研

    The last , some canvass about the design are presented . A Study of Su Qin and Zhang Yi 's Canvass

  9. 以苏秦、张仪为代表的纵横家,靠三寸不烂之舌成就了自己的一番事业,对社会、对历史做出了重大的贡献。

    Critics led by Su Qin and Zhang Yi accomplished their own career with their eloquence and made great contributions to society and history .

  10. 第五章具体集中到典型形象苏秦的剖析,从六个方面进行了论述:游说经历、思想主张、为人处事、人生起落、说辞风格及塑造人物形象的主要手段。

    The fifth chapter analyzes concretely typical image of Su Qin in six aspects & his experiences of lobbying , notions and propositions , bearing , ups and downs , speech style and the main methods of portraying characters .