
  • 网络Eastern Front;The Battle of Russia
  1. 苏德战争前夕苏联对德国绥靖政策探析

    Dissect the Policies of Soviet Union on Germany before Soviet and Germany War

  2. 苏德战争与日苏关系

    The Soviet German War and the Japan Soviet Relations

  3. 苏德战争初期苏军失利的主要原因

    The Chief Cause for the Reverses of the Soviet Army at the Beginning of the Soviet-German War

  4. 后来,苏德战争于1941年爆发,这才又为省党部的重建创造了一个新的环境。

    But late , an war broking out between the Soviet and German in 1941 reclaimed a new circumstance again for its rebuilding .

  5. 英国政府自战争开始后,一直试图将苏联政府拉向自己一边,苏德战争的爆发使英国政府与苏联政府的合作成为可能。

    At the very beginning after the war breaking out , the British Government had been trying to drag the Soviet Government to its side .

  6. 苏德战争爆发,开辟第二战场成为盟国的共识。

    When the war between the Soviet Union and Germany broke out , the Allies came to the common ground to open the second battlefield .

  7. 1941年苏德战争爆发前的几个月,列宁格勒军区一个坦克班的士兵在雪地里进行政治学习。

    Political information is read to personnel of a tank unit of the Leningrad Military District , a few months before the war , 1941 .

  8. 在第二次世界大战苏德战争爆发前,英国成为欧洲唯一抵抗德意法西斯的国家。

    Before the outbreak of the war between the Soviet Union and Germany , Britain was the only country in resistance to German and Italian Fascists .

  9. 中国战场的战争形式,相对于太平洋战争和西欧战场,更类似于苏德战争在东线的战斗。

    The China Theater of Operations more resembled the Soviet-German war on the Eastern Front than the war in the Pacific or the war in Western Europe .

  10. 去年十月向莫斯科进攻的失败,结束了苏德战争的第一阶段;希特勒第一个战略计划破产了。

    The failure of his Moscow campaign last October marked the end of the first stage of the Soviet-German war , and hitler 's first strategic plan failed .

  11. 所幸,苏德战争爆发后,遭受法西斯侵略的国家最终走到了一起,世界反法西斯同盟的建立,标志着世界历史翻开了新的篇章。

    Fortunately , when Soviet-German War broke out , those country invaded by Fascist finally came tighter . As the anti-fascist alliance was established , the world history opened a new chapter .

  12. 我坚信,今年的十月革命节不但是苏德战争的转折点,而且是全世界反法西斯阵线战胜法西斯阵线的转折点。

    I firmly believe that this anniversary marks the turning point not only of the Soviet-German war , but also of the victory of the world anti-fascist front over the fascist front .

  13. 本文主要论述1937年七·七事变到1941年苏德战争爆发前这一时期的苏联对华政策和部分援华情况。

    This article primarily discusses the 1937 " seven · seven " incident to the Soviet-German war in 1941 before the outbreak of the Soviet policy toward China and parts of the aid .

  14. 苏德战争爆发后,法国的抵抗运动有了较大的发展,这样,实现各个抵抗组织的联合就成为了抵抗运动者们面临的最重要任务。

    After the broken of Soviet-Nazi War , France Resistance Movement won great development . Accordingly , at that time , the most important task of the resisters was the combination of all resistance forces .

  15. 苏德战争初期,由于战前的一系列政治、经济、军事原因,苏军在兵力兵器大于德军的情况下遭到重大失利。

    In the early period of Soviet-German war , Red Army , with more soldiers and munitions than the enemy , met with terrible failure for a series of political , economic and military reasons .

  16. 苏德战争形势的发展打破了日本待机北进的计划,日苏关系虽受到动摇却未陷入破裂。

    The development of the Soviet German war disrupted the original plan of Japan to advance into the north when the opportunity came and the relationship between the Soviet Union and Japan was shaken and yet not destroyed completely .

  17. 苏德战争之前,苏联通过与希特勒德国的合作与争夺,在其西北部扩张领土和建立势力范围的努力获得初步成功。

    Initial success was gained by the Soviet Union in seeking territorial expansion and building up its sphere of influence to its northwest through collaboration as well as contest with Hitler Germany before the Nazi Soviet War broke out .

  18. 红军制止了德军去年的进攻,并在冬季举行了全线的反攻,是为苏德战争的第二阶段;希特勒转到了退却和防御的地位。

    The Red Army halted the German offensive last year and launched a counter-offensive on all fronts in the winter , which constituted the second stage of the Soviet-German war , with Hitler turning to retreat and the defensive .