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  1. 战后不久,由于争夺世界霸权的目标和利益冲突,美苏由战时盟友转变为敌手,冷战爆发。

    Owing to conflicts caused by pursuits of the target for the world hegemony and national interests , relationship between U.S. - Soviet converted to opponents from alliances shortly after the World War II , bringing out the Cold War .

  2. 第二次世界大战后,美苏由战时的盟友变为战后的敌手,随着美苏矛盾的激化,对日政策逐渐被纳入美国遏制战略的轨道。

    After World War II , the United States and the Soviet Union changed from war allies into the post-war opponent , with the intensification of US-Soviet conflicts , policy toward Japan was gradually incorporated into the orbit of the U.S. strategy of containment .

  3. 该文介绍了苏嘉杭高速公路由四车道扩建为六车道的桥梁改造设计。

    The article introduces the bridge rebuilding design of Sujiahu Expressway to be extended from four lanes to six lanes .

  4. 苏通大桥将由跨江大桥工程和南、北岸接线工程三部分组成,建成后将创造四项世界纪录:世界跨度最大的斜拉桥,斜拉桥主孔跨度1088米,比日本多多罗大桥还长200米;

    Sutong Bridge can claim four worlds records . The largest main span ( 1088m ) : as far as main span is concerned , Sutong Bridge is 200m longer than that of Tatara Bridge m Japan ;