
  1. 蔷希是加州人,而苏则是缅因州人。

    Johnsy came from California , and Sue came from Maine .

  2. 苏舆则编辑《翼教丛编》,用以作为反对康、梁的理论基础。

    Shu Yu edited " Yijiao Congbian " as a theoretical base against Kang and Liang .

  3. 苏南地区的FDI流入量与汇率波动正相关,苏中苏北则与汇率波动负相关。

    FDI of Southern Jiangsu is positively associated with exchange rate fluctuations , the other two regions are negatively related with exchange rate fluctuations .

  4. 柜台上,端坐着当时仍然肥硕鲜润的卢梭大娘,付帐时,他给堂倌一个苏,卢梭大娘则对他报以微笑。

    When he paid at the desk where Madam Rousseau , at that period still plump and rosy majestically presided , he gave a sou to the waiter , and Madam Rousseau gave him a smile .

  5. 她是晶晶和苏兰的阿姨,而晶晶和苏兰则是她的外甥女。

    She is the aunt of Jingjing and Sulan , and they are her nieces .