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pián lì
  • art of parallelism
骈俪 [pián lì]
  • [antithesis;art of parallelism] 指骈体文,多用偶句,讲求对仗,故称

  • 骈四乞俪六,锦心绣口。--柳宗元《乞巧文》

  • 自秦迄 隋,文体递变而无异名,自 唐以来始有古文之名,而目六朝之文为骈俪。-- 李兆洛《骈体文钞序》

  1. 在戏曲创作方法上,以诗文为戏曲创作手法的出现、骈俪典雅语言风格的追求、情节因素的弱化和舞台表演意识的淡化,也都是戏曲家立言意识影响下的结果。

    Traditional opera writers'ideology of expounding teachings in their writings to pursuit immortality produced great influences on traditional opera writing , which was mainly manifested by three facts .

  2. 蔡邕是东汉后期的文坛巨匠。他对于骈俪化的追求和探索,对六朝时的骈文创作有直接的启发意义。

    Cai Yong is an important writer in the Late Eastern Han Dynasty , whose pursuit of " Pian Li " had direct influence on literary style in the Six Dynasties .

  3. 看古丽·斯坦的画,直如在读一首首骈俪排偶、顿挫平仄的小诗,朗朗上口,能够读出节奏和音韵。

    Reading her paintings is like reading a small poem with meter and rhyme that also contains lots of parallel structures ; a poem is filled with pause and transition , and level and oblique .