
  1. 论苏过的诗

    On the Poems of Su Guo

  2. 那你和苏西来过这儿?

    So you and Suzie used to come out here together ?

  3. 苏告诉过我她明天要去购物。

    Sue told me that she would go shopping tomorrow .

  4. 如果苏能再过以往的生活,她就会作出许多不同的决定。

    If Sue had her life to live over , she would make many different decisions .

  5. 没有,我还没决定。我在想着邀请苏,但过一会儿我又觉得我该邀请安。

    No.I haven 't made up my mind yet . I 've been thinking of asking Sue , but then again , I thought I might ask Ann .

  6. 鲍勃:嗨,苏茜,圣诞节过得怎么样?

    Bob : Hey , Susie , how was your Xmas ?

  7. 在2009年访问巴基斯坦时她就向伊斯兰堡附近的一座苏非神殿表达过敬意。

    She paid her respects at a Sufi shrine near Islamabad when she visited Pakistan in 2009 .