
  1. Oxitec公司将一种经过改造的基因植入雄性蚊子,使它们与雌性蚊子在野外交配繁衍出还没成年就会死亡的后代。

    The company , Oxitec , inserts a modified gene into male mosquitoes so that when they mate with females in the wild , they will produce offspring that die before they reach adulthood .

  2. 每一次有食死徒倒下,我就会在括号里计出还剩下多少食死徒。

    Every time a Death Eater falls , I 'm going to count how many Death Eaters are remaining in parentheses .

  3. 今年朝鲜被揭露出还建造了另一座核浓缩工厂,韩国的西方同盟们对此十分愤怒。

    Western allies of South Korea were angered by revelations this year about the existence of another nuclear enrichment plant in North Korea .

  4. 而且,出站还将decompressor列为SQBus的一个预过滤器(prefilter)。

    Furthermore , the off-ramp lists decompressor as a prefilter for SQBus .

  5. 想象不出为什么还不开回加拿大

    Can 't imagine why we never went back to Canada

  6. 你看不出他还只是个孩子?

    Can 't you see he 's just a kid ?

  7. 根本看不出里面还套了太空服

    Can 't even tell that 's under there .

  8. 展示在我们面前的事实至少显示出故事还没有结束。

    The facts before us do at least show that the story is not over .

  9. 孝庄:“我知道她往多尔衮汤药里下毒的罪行,但是纠出她还需要十足的证据!”

    Sourdrang : " I know her infamies that she added poison to dourgen 's medicine , but punishing her needs enough evidences !"

  10. 这档节目形式新颖笑点层出,还结合了旅游、明星八卦和竞争等元素。

    The show also sets itself apart with its playful , genre-bending format . It combines elements of travel , celebrity gossip and competition .

  11. 今天,特别是在几乎每个人都有移动电话的时代,你能想象出当初还没有电话是什么样子的吗?

    Nowadays , especially when almost everyone has a mobile phone , it 's difficult to imagine a time when the telephone did not yet exist !

  12. 马丁。当病人来到他的诊疗室求诊时,他都会启动手提电脑上的程序,在屏幕上显示出他们还可以活多长时间。

    When a patient comes to see him at his surgery , he whips out his laptop and shows them onscreen how long they might live .

  13. 这部电影能否拍出新意还很难说,但不管怎样,光看演员阵容就让人难以抵挡。

    This film is more of an intriguing possibility than a sure thing , but the cast alone makes it irresistibly tantalising , no matter what .

  14. 手术显现出效果还需要花费数月。齐亚娜六年级的老师说:“不管怎样,她肯定会变得更漂亮。”

    It will take months for the surgery 's effect to take hold in a noticeable way , but Kiana 's sixth-grade teacher says ," She 's going to be beautiful no matter what . "

  15. 中国城市交通特点是多模式混合交通,在交通网络上,多种模式的车辆混合行驶,出行者还可以从一种交通模式换乘到另一种模式。

    The Chinese urban traffic is with the character of multi-modal mixed traffic as different modal vehicle can run on one road with obvious interaction and passengers can transfer from one kind of vehicle to another .

  16. 该公园在宣传广告上自称是“世界第一”,并在其脸书官方主页上贴出图片还附上文字:“我快溺死了…呼吸困难….”

    The park advertised it as a " world first " and posted images of the fish on its official Facebook site with captions including " I am d. .. d. .. drowning , s ... s. .. suffocating . "

  17. 过去18个月,美国所丧失的工作岗位,比计量经济模型依据实际国内生产总值(GDP)降幅所计算出的数字还多出三分之一。

    During the past 18 months the US economy has lost a third more jobs than predicted by econometric models on the basis of the decline in real gross domestic product .

  18. 丝毫也看不出小保罗还打算回来;没有作这样的准备;

    There was no shade of coming back on little Paul ;

  19. 它们常在天气不好时出问题,还经常害病。

    They often have problems in bad weather and suffer from disease .

  20. 约翰刚刚步出校门,还有些乳臭未干。

    John had just left school , and was not dry behind the ears .

  21. 有的镜头时间非常短,要从中要出错误,还需要很多专业的技术和足够的耐心与细心。

    Sometimes the shot is very short and it takes professional knowledge and great patience to spot the mistakes .

  22. 因此,为了唯一地求出曲线,还必须确定出在某点的斜率和数值。

    Therefore to find the curve uniquely it is necessary to specify both the slope and the value for some point .

  23. 可惜她们还在襁褓中,会说的句子比长出的牙齿还少,说不清她们幼小心灵中的秘密。

    But they were mere tots , with more teeth than sentences , and could not articulate the mysteries of their young minds .

  24. 出来的产品油质量好,味道香,出油率还高,现在主要是农村地区做加工用的。

    Out of the good quality product oil , taste sweet , the haracteristicof high and now also is mainly in rural areas do processing .

  25. 这种办法不仅产生出效率,还形成了视觉上的标识,在已然复杂而令人惶惑的外观上平添了一道视觉上的趣味。

    The approach yielded not only efficiency but also a visual signature that adds a layer of visual interest to an already beguilingly complex form .

  26. 江流刚奔出巫峡,还没来得及喘息,却又冲人第三峡&西陵峡了。

    No sooner has the Yangtze passed Wu Gorge than , without stopping for breath , it rushes us on to the third gorge , Xiling .

  27. 远超过雌激素作用的是,磁共振成像波谱的不同显示出成人大脑还保持着“可塑性”大脑自身再接线路的能力尽管大脑已老化。

    Beyond the power of estrogen , the difference in MRIs suggests that the adult brain maintains " plasticity " the ability to rewire itself even as it ages .

  28. 莉达:没有秘密,她真的让猫儿从布袋溜出,她还用剪刀剪开袋子,这是万万不能!

    Rita : No secret . She really let the cat out of the bag , and she used scissors to cut it open . That 's a no-no !

  29. 在西欧各国中,法国的自杀率高居前列,为万分之2.1,仅次于芬兰,比英国或希腊高出一倍还多。

    France has one of the highest suicide rates in western Europe , with 2.1 per 10,000 , ranking second behind Finland and more than double the UK or Greece .

  30. 环境可能是最终受害者。原本各处废弃物已泛滥成灾到危害身体健康的地步,现在更多出直到最近还回收再利用的部分。

    The ultimate victim may be the environment , already overrun with enough trash in places to threaten people 's health , now further burdened with refuse that until recently would have been recycled .