
chū liè
  • go hunting
出猎 [chū liè]
  • [go hunting] 外出打猎

出猎[chū liè]
  1. 出猎,这个洞口是家门之一。

    Out to hunt , the hole is a door of home .

  2. 他最后一次出猎打到了几只野鸭。

    He brought down several wild ducks on his last hunting trip .

  3. 又有几分像偶尔出猎的律师。

    And a solicitor who occasionally rides to hounds .

  4. 青少年在接受网络文化时,呈现出猎奇性、开放性、休闲性和实用性等特色。

    The teenagers show interest in of seeking novelty open mindedness fallow loving and practicality when they learn the network culture .

  5. 另一个理论是,脑部演化增大后可供散热之需,让我们能顶著正午的大太阳,趁狮子睡觉时出猎。

    Another theory holds that the brain evolved to vent heat so we could hunt at high noon , when the lions slept .

  6. 父亲在这样森林渐毁的年代还偶尔出猎吗,他养的小蜜蜂在农业污染中还存活了多少箱呢?

    Does Dad still go hunting as a hobby when the forests are kept destroying ? How many his raised bees are still alive out of agricultural pollution ?

  7. 规模稍小的狗群中,捕猎或看护小狗都会遭受损失,要么狗就得出猎的次数弥补&这本身就需要狗群付出代价。

    But with smaller packs , either the hunting or the babysitting suffers , or the animals have to compensate by increasing the number of hunting excursions-which itself carries a cost to the pack .