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chū sài
  • cross the frontier;go far out of the frontiers
出塞 [chū sài]
  • [come out to border area][古] 远出边塞

  1. 当他二十五岁时,他再度出塞。

    At the age of twenty-five , Jordan was competing again .

  2. 王昭君出塞以后,生活在匈奴游牧地区几十年。

    Wang Zhaojun lived in the Huns ? encampments for many years .

  3. 她们的事迹可以和昭君出塞媲美。

    Their exploits are comparable with those of Wang Zhaojun .

  4. 她脑海中浮现出塞缪尔的模样。

    She had a mental picture of samuel 's face .

  5. 从昭君出塞探讨中华民族的凝聚力

    On The Cohesion Of Chinese Nation From Zhaojun Going Out of The Frontier

  6. 此外,还给出塞入抖动的计算和测量结果。

    In addition , calculating and measuring results of stuffing jitter are also given .

  7. 诗传边塞情&王昌龄《闺怨》、《出塞》的比较分析

    Transmission of Frontier Affection Through Poetry & A Comparison between Wang Chang-ling 's Two Poems

  8. 这两位汉家公主的事迹完全可以和昭君出塞媲美。

    The exploits of these two Western Han princesses are comparable with those of Wang Zhaojun .

  9. 出塞期间之创作,达到他一生诗歌成就之高峰。

    In his living in the border areas , he works to achieve his lifetime achievements in poetry the peak .

  10. 在他的边塞诗中,突出地反映了他出塞与思乡、建功与归隐的矛盾心态。

    In Cen Shen 's frontier poems , it reflects his contradictory attitude toward enlistment and homesickness , honor and seclusion .

  11. 昭君出塞,留给后世的不仅仅是一个简单的历史故事。

    Wang Zhaojun is firstly a historical figure and her story of " ChuSai ", leaving future generations is not just a simple story .

  12. 昭君出塞改善了汉、匈之间关系,还促进了两族人民间的经济文化交流。

    This action not only improved the relationship between the Han Dynasty and Xiongnu , but also promoted economic and cultural exchanges between them .

  13. 自汉代以来,历代的文人不断地对之加工改造,形成了要素完备的昭君出塞故事母题。

    Since the Han Dynasty , the past literati constantly processed the story , formed a complete elements of the story of " ChuSai " Motif .

  14. 昭君出塞是汉匈两族从战争走向和平道路、中华民族凝聚力不断增强的结果;

    Zhaojun going out of the frontier pass made the two nationality of Han and Xiongnu become peaceful and increased the cohesion of the Chinese nation constantly .

  15. 在正史上只有寥寥数笔的昭君出塞形成了绵延千年的文脉,历代以昭君为题材的文学创作所形成的独特的文学现象,笔者称之为“昭君文学”。

    The authors of this paper call as " Zhao Jun literature " the unique literary phenomenon formulated with Zhao Jun as the subject of literary writing .

  16. 两千多年来,围绕昭君出塞这个典故形成了丰厚的文化积淀。

    In the past two thousand years , a profound cultural inheritance has been accrued around the literal quotation of Zhaojun going out of the frontier pass .

  17. 这部作品将西方协奏曲体裁与中国民族音乐文化相融合,利用单乐章奏鸣曲式的结构进行创作,以生动细腻的音乐语言对昭君出塞这一历史题材进行讲述。

    Combining western concerto genre with Chinese national tones and utilizing the structure of sonata form in music composition , the thesis makes statement of this historical tale-Zhaojun Departs the Frontier in vivid and exquisite music language .

  18. 同时,昭君出塞对维护边疆地区的安定与和平,促进社会经济与文化的发展,增强中华民族的凝聚力,也做出了重要的历史贡献。

    At the same time , it makes a greater contribution to maintain the border areas peace and security , and to bring about a great advance in social economy and culture and to increase the cohesion of the Chinese nation .

  19. 它们正由英国相关部门研制,全长30厘米到1英尺,用于检测波士顿,马赛出塞州等地的海运空运集装箱。

    These robotic ferrets are being developed in the United Kingdom currently . They are gonna be about 30 centimeters to a little under a foot long and are gonna be used to search cargo containers that we have at seaports and airports such as in Boston , Massachusetts .