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jǔ āi
  • Lament;go into mourning;wail in mourning
举哀 [jǔ āi]
  • (1) [wail in mourning]∶指办丧事时高声号哭,表示哀悼

  • (2) [go into mourning]∶戴孝

举哀[jǔ āi]
  1. 王为押尼珥举哀、说、押尼珥何竟像愚顽人死呢。

    And the king lamented over Abner , and said , Died Abner as a fool dieth ?

  2. 法国国民议会和美国众议院决定为纪念他而举哀服丧。

    Both the French National Assembly and the United States House of Representatives voted to wear mourning in his honor .

  3. 这个国家是不得已而战,因为我们知道战争的代价,我们不愿看到经常伴随而来的举哀之日。

    This nation fights reluctantly , because we know the cost and we dread the days of mourning that always come .

  4. 霎时间,巴比伦倾覆瓦解,你们为她举哀,拿香料来医治她的创伤,也许她会痊愈。

    Babylon is suddenly fallen , and destroyed : howl for her , take balm for her pain , if so she may be healed .

  5. 为他共费了四十天,因为用香料包殓尸体原需要这些天数。埃及人为他举哀七十天。

    They spent forty days at it , for that is the full period of embalming ; and the Egyptians mourned him for seventy days .

  6. 我们向你们吹笛,你们不跳舞。我们向你们举哀,你们不捶胸。

    And saying , We have piped unto you , and ye have not danced ; we have mourned unto you , and ye have not lamented .

  7. 所以,耶和华论到犹大王约西亚的儿子约雅敬如此说,人必不为他举哀,说,哀哉。我的哥哥。

    Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah ; They shall not lament for him , saying , Ah my brother !

  8. 叫她们速速为我们举哀,使我们眼泪汪汪,使我们的眼皮涌出水来。

    And let them make haste , and take up a wailing for us , that our eyes may run down with tears , and our eyelids gush out with waters .

  9. 耶路撒冷阿,要剪发抛弃,在净光的高处举哀。因为耶和华丢掉离弃了惹他忿怒的世代。

    Cut off thine hair , O Jerusalem , and cast it away , and take up a lamentation on high places ; for the LORD hath rejected and forsaken the generation of his wrath .

  10. 妇女们哪,你们当听耶和华的话,领受他口中的言语;又当教导你们的儿女举哀,各人教导邻舍唱哀歌。

    Yet hear the word of the lord , O ye women , and let your ear receive the word of his mouth , and teach your daughters wailing , and every one her neighbour lamentation .