
  1. 面向对象设计中的DIP原则及其应用对医疗纠纷中的举证责任倒置原则的分析

    Dependency inversion principle in the OOD An Inversion Principle Application of Quoting Responsibility in Medical Issue

  2. 其次是对刑讯逼供行为实行举证责任倒置原则。

    The next is to implement the extorting confessions onus probandi .

  3. 举证责任倒置原则;

    Principle of burden of proof conversion ;

  4. 在处理医疗侵权纠纷案件中,举证责任倒置原则得到了广泛的应用。

    Objective To deal with medical actions in tort , rebuttal burden of proof has been applied widely .

  5. 接着,本文分析了环境污染侵权诉讼中的证明规则,主要就四种规则进行说明:无过错责任原则、过错责任原则、因果关系的推定原则和举证责任倒置原则。

    Forth , the paper shows some special certification rules in environmental pollution torts , which conclude three rules : no-fault liability principle , the presumption of a causal relationship and the role of the conclusions .

  6. 举证责任倒置的原则;公司法人人格被否认后应由被否认人格的公司及其股东对债权人承担无限连带责任等等适用问题作出全面探讨。

    When the corporate personality is disregarded , the limitless joint and several liability should be held by the corporation and its stockholder .

  7. 同时在立法中适当加重企业职业病防治的责任,确立举证责任倒置的原则,明确用人单位的终局责任,加强立法的处罚力度。

    At the same time , china should increase corporate liability for occupational disease prevention appropriately , by changing the burden of proof from workers to enterprises , clearly stating the final liability of the enterprises and strengthening the punishment .

  8. 在商业秘密侵权诉讼中的举证责任问题上,建议实行举证责任倒置原则。

    The issues on burden of proof in the lawsuit of infringing business secret , it is suggested the principle of the inverted burden of proof .

  9. 就我国而言,行政诉讼举证责任有一般原则即“举证责任倒置”和例外原则即原告举证。

    A general principle , inversion of onus probandi , and an exception principle , the onus of proof being on the plaintiff are adopted in China .

  10. 举证责任方面:公民个人和消费者组织应该实行举证责任倒置原则,检察机关作为原告时实行一般的举证责任原则。

    Burden of proof : Individual citizens and consumer organizations should implement the principle of burden of proof , Prosecution carry out the general principle of the burden of proof .

  11. 现行的家暴案件举证规则使受害人举证陷入困境,应当建立专门的家暴证据规则,即举证责任倒置原则。

    The current provision on evidence principle makes victim in trouble , we should establish a specialized domestic violence rules of evidence , i.e. , the inversion of provision on evidence principle .

  12. 检察机关提起的民事公益诉讼应适用一般的举证规则,即谁主张,谁举证,社会团体和公民提起的民事公益诉讼,采用举证责任倒置原则。

    Civil public interests litigation that the procuratorial organ litigates should adopt general rule of providing proof , i.e. who advocates , who provides proof . The ones that social group and citizen litigate should adopt the principle that the responsibility of providing proof is inverted .