
  1. 试论我国反垄断公益诉讼制度的建立

    On the Establishment of Anti-monopoly Public Interest Litigation in China

  2. 反垄断公益诉讼制度的出现,既是诉讼法对其自身只顾及保护私人利益的狭隘性的突破,也是对传统诉讼法律制度的超越。

    The newly formulated litigation system of anti-monopoly in public interests is in fact an important breakthrough in extending the legal protection of individual interests .

  3. 鉴于目前国内极少有学者讨论反垄断公益诉讼,笔者希望借鉴各国先进做法之时,在充分考虑我国国情的基础上,提出构建反垄断公益诉讼制度粗略的初步构想。

    After fully considering our national condition in the foundation , the article propose the preliminary conception of the public interest lawsuit system construction in our country .

  4. 因此,借鉴他国的相关法律制度设计,在原告资格的认定上,赋予检察机关、社会团体、律师协会和公民个人反垄断公益诉讼的原告资格。

    China should learn from foreign experiences of anti-monopoly legislation to give the plaintiff qualification to the prosecution organs , social groups , bar associations and the private person .