
  1. 审计重要性水平具有数量和质量方面特征,它的合理确定将大大提高反洗钱审计的效率和上报可疑交易线索的的质量。

    The materiality level has both quality and quantity characteristics , which can greatly improve the efficiency of anti-money laundering .

  2. 银行反洗钱内部审计的审计风险由三部分组成:固有风险、遵循风险和检查风险。

    Than assess the auditing risks , which include Inherent risk , following risk and detection risk .

  3. 论反洗钱监管引入独立审计制度的必要性

    The Necessity of Introducing Independent Audit into Anti Money Laundering

  4. 第二章先是介绍了洗钱与反洗钱的基本知识作为铺垫,然后阐述了什么是反洗钱审计。

    In the second part , the overview of money laundering and anti-money laundering is given first . Then explain what is anti-money laundering auditing .