
  1. 防火墙审计目标的分析与实现

    Analysis and realization of the audit of firewall

  2. 审计是鉴证会计信息质量的最后一道防火墙,审计质量的高低直接影响到资本市场投资者利益受保护的程度。

    Audit quality is the last firewall of assuring the accounting information , and it affected the benefits of investors in the capital market .

  3. 防火墙和安全审计技术性研究

    Technical Research about Fireproofing Wall and Safe Audit

  4. 本系统的优越性在于它出色地完成了防火墙系统用于审计所需的日志文件,对日后的日志审计工作具有十分重要的现实意义。

    Our firewall system can complete perfectly the log files necessary for auditing in firewall .

  5. 本文全面阐述了应用代理防火墙中央日志审计子系统的设计与实现。

    This paper addresses the design and implementation of central log auditing subsystem for application proxy firewall .

  6. 准确识别网络链路中流量的协议类型,是带宽管理、入侵检测、防火墙、内容审计等应用的基础。

    The accurate identification of the protocols in network is the base for bandwidth management , intrusion detection , firewall , and content auditing .

  7. 本系统的优越性在于它不仅出色地完成了防火墙系统日志审计分析的全部功能,还实现了远程日志和分布式防火墙系统集中管理的扩展功能,具有十分重要的现实意义。

    Central log auditing subsystem not only implements all basic functions of firewall log auditing system successfully , but also adds lots of extended functions such as remote log and central management for distributed firewall systems .

  8. 一般性的安全防护措施:存取控制、标识和认证、完整性控制、密码技术、防火墙系统、审计和恢复、操作系统安全、数据库系统安全、计算机病毒防护和抗抵赖协议等。

    Run-of-mill measure of security defence , including access control , symbol and identification , integrality control , password technique , firewall system , audit and resumption , safety of operating system , safety of database system , defence of computers ' virus and resisting-deny protocol .

  9. 日志管理模块:该模块可以将防火墙日志信息分离出来,插入数据库进行保存和管理,有利于日后对防火墙日志的审计和检测。

    Log manage model : It can separate the firewall 's log from others and insert these logs into the log database to save and manage , which makes for later auditing and detection .

  10. 即利用集群技术将不同防火墙与防火墙代理集合成整体防御体系,通过开发的集成软件与协议实现防火墙统一管理与审计、以提高系统整体监测防御能力。

    All kinds of firewall and firewall agents were integrated a defending system using integrated technology , the united management and audit was realized with integrated software and protocol to strengthen the defending ability of the system .