
  1. 房地产开发泡沫破灭后,联邦监管机构开始调查审计各家大型银行的资产负债表。

    When the development bubble burst , federal regulators started probing the balance sheets of the biggest banks .

  2. 尽职调查审计业务。

    E.Due diligence audit engagements .

  3. 他们的目标是律师-委托人之间的机密信息、安全报告,内部调查和审计文件的信息。

    They are after information protected by attorney-client privilege , safety reports , internal documents about investigations and audits .

  4. 通过企业客户知识管理现状调查和审计工作,对企业客户知识战略差距进行了分析。

    The corporate knowledge strategic gap in customer knowledge is analyzed based on survey and audit of the current state of corporate CKM .

  5. 通过一系列的检查,计划审查,调查和审计系列,旗确保游艇符合适用的规例的规定。

    Through a series of inspections , plan reviews , surveys and audits , the Flag ensures that a yacht meets the requirements of the applicable regulation .

  6. 专项审计调查是审计机关依法运用审计手段,对与国家财政收支有关的特定事项,向有关地方、部门、单位进行的专门调查的活动。

    The special audit investigation are activities that the audit organs use audit tools , and national fiscal revenue and expenditure related to the specific matters to the relevant localities , departments and units .

  7. 罗逸铭表示,ADM在上海建立了一个大型团队,该团队负责与收购中国农企厂家相关的谈判事宜,尽职调查,及审计工作。

    Archer Daniels Midland has built a large team in Shanghai that can negotiate acquisitions of agribusiness factories in China , do due diligence and conduct audits , Mr. Roig said .

  8. 专项审计调查已经成为审计机关全面履行审计监督职责、充分发挥审计监督建设性作用的重要手段。

    To carry out special investigations has been an important way for the audit institutions to completely perform their auditing supervising functions and to fully exert the constructive effect of supervision .

  9. 国会调查机构美国审计署计划明天公布这份用一个月时间得出的调查结果,官员已将某些调查结果告知了美联社。

    The GAO , the investigate agency of Congress , plans to report tomorrow on its month-long investigation , with officials have detailed some of the reported finding to the Associated Press .

  10. 笔者通过对部分审计专业在校生进行有关审计教学的调查,分析了审计教学模式与教学环境的现状和存在的主要问题,并提出了改革的设想。

    Through relevant investigation to part of the students in auditing major , the author analyzes the current situation and problem of auditing teaching model and teaching environment , and puts forward some ideas of reform .

  11. 然后,根据调查的结果进行的调查问卷的设计,并发放调查问卷以展开审计工作;

    Then , questionnaires are designed and distributed based on the survey results ;