
  • 网络Investigative Report;Investigative Reporting
  1. 电视调查性报道本体研究

    The Study on Investigative Report in TV News Field

  2. 在纽约时报刊发了一篇调查性报道之后,针对该主权财富基金的国际调查于去年启动。

    The international inquiries into the sovereign wealth fund began last year after an investigative report in The New York Times .

  3. 是内部检举和调查性报道揭露了这一腐败事实。

    It took internal whistle-blowing and investigative journalism to uncover the rot.

  4. IRE、调查性报道与中国观照

    IRE , Investigative Reporting and the China Reflection

  5. IRE、调查性报道与中国观照研究性学习与主体性观照

    IRE , Investigative Reporting and the China Reflection The Relationship between Inquiry Study and Leading Parts

  6. 在中国的电视调查性报道中,它并不算年轻。

    In the Chinese TV investigative reporting , it is not too young .

  7. 中国证券市场调查性报道研究

    The Investigative Reporting of the Chinese Stock Market Research

  8. 他是作为调查性报道记者而成名的。

    He made his name as an investigative journalist .

  9. 现代意义上的调查性报道起源于西方。

    The investigative news reportage in a modern sense originated from western countries .

  10. 在我自己的领域里,也就是调查性报道,

    In my own field of investigative journalism ,

  11. 调查性报道通过记者深入调查展现新闻背后的故事。

    Investigative reports show the stories at the back of the news by journalist investigating .

  12. 电视调查性报道是一种重要的新闻深度报道样式,具有独特的叙事特征。

    TV investigative reporting is an important type of in-depth reporting with the unique narrative characteristics .

  13. 调查性报道原理探析

    Discuss Principle of Investigative - Reporting

  14. 有些则开始从事调查性报道,其中许多都把工作地点设在大学校区。

    Others have started investigative reporting projects , many of which are based on university campuses .

  15. 上图所示的《经济观察报》成功挑战了官方关于一系列调查性报道的回应。

    The Economic Observer , above , successfully challenged local authorities'response to a series of investigative articles .

  16. 调查性报道研究

    The Research on Investigative Reporting

  17. 电视调查性报道的媒介艺术特征分析

    A Study on the Analysis of Medium Art Characteristic of TV Investigative Reporting According to News Probe

  18. 回顾《财经》的发展历史,可以看出《财经》调查性报道对于其成长意义重大。

    Recalling the financial development history , we can see that the financial investigative report its significant growth .

  19. 在结论部分,本章将对电视调查性报道栏目品牌建设过程中存在的问题进行思考。

    At the conclusion of this article will investigate the problem of the television investigative program brand building .

  20. 这为小报们在调查性报道中提供了一个特殊的角色,即使这些报道包括大量的传言和错误。

    That gives tabloids a special role in investigative reporting , even if they include much hearsay and error .

  21. 媒体的作用是舆论监督,而调查性报道将这一作用发挥到极致。

    The role of the media is the supervision of public opinion , and investigative reports play this role very well .

  22. 第三章分析了在中国特殊的政治与新闻体制下,调查性报道如何发挥其作用,它又扮演了怎样的社会角色。

    The third chapter explains how investigative reporting operates , affects the society , and what kind of role it plays .

  23. 第二部分纵览中西方调查性报道的概念,辨析其异同。

    Part ⅱ: There will be a survey on the concept of investigative reporting in both China and Western countries at first ;

  24. 为了加强对调查性报道的实践指导,本论文从调查性报道与社会制度的相互关系角度来切入研究。

    For the sake of strengthening guidance of practice of investigative-reporting , this dissertation discuss the connection between investigative reporting and social system .

  25. 上个世纪80年代中央电视台《观察与思考》栏目的开播,开创了我国电视调查性报道的先例。

    In the 80s of last century , the channel of Observation and Thinking in CCTV blazed a trail in the television investigating report in China .

  26. 长期以来,《财经》对于调查性报道的生产模式已经成型,但2003年转型之后,现在其调查性报道的社会影响已大不如前。

    But after 2003 , investigative report has less influence than before . For a long time financial investigative reporting mode of production has already taken shape .

  27. 在西方人心目中,调查性报道的地位是其他类型的新闻报道不能取代的,许多优秀记者都把采写调查性报道看作是自己的天职。

    In the Western mind , investigative reporting on the status of other reported that cannot replace , many outstanding journalists write investigative reporting as his mission .

  28. 就舆论监督而言,美国的文献中就没有这样的词语搭配的,美国是以媒介监督或调查性报道来达到类似效果。

    On the supervision of public opinion , American literature has no such collocation , America is media supervision or investigative reporting to achieve a similar effect .

  29. 其次,本文分析了电视调查性报道及品牌的相关问题,并阐述了电视调查性报道栏目品牌建设的意义所在。

    Second , The paper analyzes the television investigative reports and brand issues , and then described the significance of brand building of the television investigative journalism program .

  30. 作为代表了中国最高的电视制作水平(中央电视台前台长杨伟光语),以制作真正的电视调查性报道为追求目标的大型电视新闻专栏,《新闻调查》具有多方面的学术研究价值。

    As the highest level column of TV news of CCTV and essential aim of making real investigative reports , News Probe highly demonstrates academic value for further study .