
diào zhí
  • be transferred to another post
调职 [diào zhí]
  • [be transferred to another post] 调到另一个单位去工作

调职[diào zhí]
  1. vt.使转移;调任他已要求调职。

    transfer He has asked for a transfer to another job .

  2. 今年10月发布了令人失望的第三季度业绩之后,IBM首席执行长罗梅蒂(VirginiaRometty)将负责成长市场的高级副总裁布拉曼特(JamesBramante)调职。

    Following disappointing third-quarter results in October , CEO Virginia Rometty reassigned James Bramante , the IBM senior vice president who ran growth markets .

  3. 据纽约SelbyJennings的金融服务业猎头奥利弗库克(OliverCooke)介绍,各银行如今注重它们所称的“内部流动”,即跨部门调职。

    According to Oliver Cooke , a financial-services recruiter at Selby Jennings in New York , banks have been stressing what they call " internal mobility , " or redeploying staff from one department to another .

  4. 我将私下跟他谈调职之事。

    I will speak to him personally about his transfer .

  5. 调职权与劳动权各有边界,互为限制。

    Transfer right and the labor right have respective and mutual restriction .

  6. 他已要求调职。

    He has asked for a transfer to another job .

  7. 但我接到调职电话的时候的确有些惊讶

    But I was a little surprised when I got the call .

  8. 对于调职权的限制来自三方面:立法、契约、司法。

    The restriction comes from three aspects : Legislation , contract , and judicature .

  9. 陈方安生否认张敏仪调职是基于政治压力。

    Mrs Chan dismissed claims Miss Cheung was forced out because of political pressure .

  10. 她两天后就要调职了。

    She 's being reassigned in two days .

  11. 任何权利都存在于某一权利体系中,调职权也不例外。

    Any right belongs to a right system , no exception to transfer right .

  12. 处理公司内部调职安排申请需时多久?

    How long does it take to process an application under intra-company transfer arrangement ?

  13. 你官位的提升会伴随这你的调职。

    A promotion is commensurate with your move .

  14. 对于调职权行使的司法限制主要表现为法官对于调职个案的衡平性控制。

    The judicial restriction is mainly manifested in the case balance control for judge .

  15. 彼特贝特曼已提出调职要求。

    Pete betmann has asked to be transferred .

  16. 一切简直难以置信,因为我从没申请过调职。

    I couldn 't believe it ecause I never even applied for a transfer .

  17. 我们现在是被调职或解职的是非包围。

    We 're about to be hit by a dozen or so motions to dismiss .

  18. 他被调职到伦敦。

    He has been posted to london .

  19. 我已经把调职的申请交上去了。

    My request for transfer is in .

  20. 自从蒂芬妮的调职被拒绝后,她对我们的老板一直怀恨在心。

    Tiffany 's been harboring spite against our boss ever since her transfer was refused .

  21. 我在写报告准备调职。

    I 'm filing for a transfer .

  22. 可见,对于调职权的认识,是解决调职争议的关键。

    Obviously , the understanding on the transfer right is the key to the solution .

  23. 辛克莱中校已经被调职了。

    Commander Sinclair is being reassigned .

  24. 据说检举这件事的政府官员也被调职了。

    It 's said that those government officials who had blown the whistle also got transferred .

  25. 谢谢你这么快就回复我的调职申请,

    Woman : Thanks for getting back to me so quickly about my request for a transfer ,

  26. 立法会议员昨日表示,担心林焕光的调职,会减慢公务员制度的改革。

    Legislators yesterday voiced fears of a slow-down in civil service reform with the transfer of Mr Lam .

  27. 亲爱的汤姆,我们收到了你的调职申请,并就此进行了讨论。

    Dear Tom , We received your application for a transfer , and had a discussion about it .

  28. 透过这些训练,新入职或调职的同事能从上级得到指导及学习解决难题的技巧。

    Through this training mode , new officers can receive direct coaching from their supervisors and gain practical problem solving techniques .

  29. 目前,该公司已把所有的员工调职计划暂缓至明年,以期赢回员工的信任。

    The company has suspended all staff reassignments until the end of the year to try to regain the confidence of employees .

  30. 快要调职的部长每天都无聊,对着我们一直叫,所以早上起来把部长扔掉;

    Minister is going to transfer every day boring , we have been called in front , so throw away the morning to the Minister ;