
dìng yuán
  • Personnel quota;fixed number;fixed number of staff members or passengers
定员 [dìng yuán]
  • [fixed number] 规定的人数,指人员编制的名额,或车船等规定容纳乘客的数目

定员[dìng yuán]
  1. 这节车厢定员120人。

    This carriage has a seating capacity of 120 people .

  2. 国内300MW和600MW机组电厂定员建议国产300MW汽轮机增容改造经济性评价

    Economic Evaluation on Capacity Upgrade Project of 300 MW Home-made Turbine

  3. 劳动定员定额的基础原理与方法问题研究

    A Research on Basic Principles and Methodology of Labour-Requirement and Work-Quota

  4. 劳动定员是企业劳动组织工作和企业管理的重要组成部分。合理确定劳动定员对建立现代企业制度,具有重要的现实意义。

    It is an important part of work organization and management .

  5. 经营人是否保存和其船舶签约的定员个人档案?

    Does operator maintain personnel files on ratings assigned to his vessels ?

  6. 高校图书馆动态岗位定员方法研究

    Trends DYNAMIC On Fixing Librarians Number of Dynamic Post in University Libraries

  7. 英语系的教师定员终于满额了。

    At last the English Department has its full complement of teachers .

  8. 油田企业劳动定员方法浅析

    Analysis of Approach of Fixed Workers Number for a Job in Oilfield Businesses

  9. 部门预算改革的一项主要内容就是基本支出的定员定额管理。

    Budget quota is one of the major contents of departmental budgetary reform .

  10. 汽油清洗间定员限量计算方法初探及应用

    Exploration and Application of Calculation Methods for the Staff Limitation in Cleaning Workshop

  11. 定员是否定期返回经营人的船舶?

    Do ratings regularly return to operator 's vessels ?

  12. 强化生产技术管理,防止超能力、超强度、超定员生产。

    Strengthening production technology management ; preventing production with overcapacity , super-strength and over-staff .

  13. 供电企业劳动定员管理的问题与对策分析

    Analysis on Manpower Quota Management & its Countermeasure

  14. 制造类企业基于业务流程的定员定编方法研究与设计

    Research and Design of Manufacture Company 's Personnel Allocation Staff Based on Business Process

  15. 企业劳动定员定额管理模式研究

    Model Research of Enterprise Personnel Work Quota

  16. 在公司船队里,普通的高级船员和定员是否以相同的等级轮换?

    Are junior officers and ratings rotated on ships of similar class within company fleet ?

  17. 改革定员方式,探索定员新途径

    Reformation of Methods of Personnel quota to Explore a New Approach to for Personnel Quota

  18. 浅析民用航空器维修人员定员标准

    A Brief Analysis of " Fixed Number of Staff Members " Standard for Civil Aircraft Maintenance

  19. 向效率管理要效益&对当前企业劳动定员定额工作的思考

    Efficiency management creates benefit & The thought in the work of manpower authorization and labour quota

  20. 建立定员定额与实物资产相结合的定额标准体系。

    Establishes fixed quantity standard system which the fixed member fixed quantity and the real asset unify .

  21. 与此前动车组采用的8辆编组不同,新版列车编组16个车厢,总定员1193人。

    The new train has 16 carriages compared to the usual eight , and can carry 1193 passengers .

  22. 扩大基本支出定员定额和实物费用定额试点。

    Trials to set the allowable number of employees , level of funding and limits for spending for goods within basic expenditures expanded .

  23. 运用“5W1H”提问技术,分析流水线在设备能力、定员、任务分配、工艺内容及流水线布局等方面存在的问题;

    Problems of equipment capability , manpower , task distribution , technology and production lines layout are revealed and analyzed by using the5W1H check list .

  24. 阐述了新形式下劳动定额定员测定困境与必要性,对传统理论和方法作了修改。

    The paper interpretes the difficulty and necessity of determining personnel labour quota under new conditions , modifies and simplifies the traditional theory and method .

  25. 要按照“定员、定岗、定编”的要求,实施劳动人事制度改革;

    We should carry out the reform on personnel matters system according to the demands of " fixed personnel , fix position , fixed arrangement " .

  26. 在高校人事制度改革中,高校图书馆可以借鉴企业的人力资源开发与管理方法,通过工作分析、人力资源配置分析等工作,制定出科学合理的定编定员标准。

    By using some methods of human resource management for reference , this paper discusses the methods of workload analysis and position design in college library .

  27. 该系统投入运行后能够满足转炉生产的需求,提高了生产效率,减少了操作定员。

    After being put into operation , the system can meet the requirement of converter production , improve efficiency of production and reduce fixed number of operating personnel .

  28. 长江电力股份公司内从事运行工作的人力资源非常有限,股份公司的总定员基本上不可能增加。

    The human resource engaged in operation work is very finite in CYPC , the total fixed number of employees of CYPC is not possible to be increased basically .

  29. 接着对项目配套工程建设要求、投资预算及资金筹措、劳动定员与人员培训以及项目建设进度安排等进行统筹安排。

    Then , supporting construction of the project requirements , the investment budget and funding , and personnel work and personnel training , and project construction schedule and other co-ordination arrangements .

  30. D公司生产保障部门定编定员的再设计原则、思路、程序、方法。

    3 , Recommend the principles , train of thoughts , procedures , methods of the redesign of the personnel allocation staff of the produce the guarantee department to D Company .