
  • 网络independent contractor
  1. 加州一家上诉法院叫停了一项命令,该命令将迫使优步和来福车将司机分类为雇员,而不是独立合同工。

    A California appeals court has halted an order that would have forced Uber and Lyft to treat their drivers as employees , rather than independent contractors .

  2. 微工作雇员是独立的合同工,为他们的行为负法律责任。

    Micro job workers are independent contractors1 and are legally responsible for their actions .

  3. 2017年,总部位于加州的该公司未能让上诉法官相信,其两名伦敦司机是独立的合同工。

    In 2017 , the California-based company failed to persuade an appeal judge that two of its London drivers are independent contractors .