
  • 网络independent demand;Demand;Independent
  1. 生产与运作管理之独立需求的库存控制

    Inventory Control of Independent Demand in Production and Operation Management

  2. MRP-Ⅱ中独立需求项目批量问题的一个解决方案

    A Solution to Lot Sizing Problem of Independent Demand in MRP - ⅱ

  3. 然后对MRP的相关技术理论进行分析,它包括独立需求和相关需求,物料清单的建立,物料需求计划的几个参数的计算模型以及算法实现;

    Then carry on the analysis to the MRP related technique theories , it includes the independent need and related needs , the establishment , planned and a few calculation models of parameter of the material need and calculate way realization of the material detailed list ;

  4. 采购制仅仅由独立需求决定。

    Procurement is determined by planned independent requirements only .

  5. 计划订单数量之来自于独立需求。

    Procurement quantities can be planned relatively effectively by means of planned independent requirements .

  6. 基于灰色马尔柯夫改进模型预测供应链独立需求

    The Study of Improved Grey-Markov Model and Its Application in Independent Demand Forecasts in Supply Chain

  7. 建立需求过程是,需求管理使用计划独立需求和客户需求。

    To create a demand program , Demand Management uses planned independent requirements and customer requirements .

  8. 客户需求消耗计划独立需求的数量。

    The customer requirement consumes the planned independent requirement quantity that either directly precedes or follows it .

  9. 需求类型包含计划和消耗计划独立需求和客户需求的控制参数。

    A requirements type contains the control parameters to plan and consume planned independent requirements and customer requirements .

  10. 在消耗处理中,系统用计划独立需求的数量及日期与实际的客户需求作比较。

    In the consumption process , the system compares planned independent requirement quantities and dates with actual customer requirements .

  11. 这个计划策略是基于计划物料的计划独立需求获取不可变的部件。

    This strategy allows you to procure non-variable components based on the planned independent requirements of a planning material .

  12. 在向前消耗中,系统寻找在销售订单之后存在的计划独立需求数量进行消耗。

    In forward consumption , the system looks for the planned independent requirement quantity that exists directly after the sales order .

  13. 计划独立需求和客户需求中的不同的需求类型或需求类型组合被定一在每一个计划策略中。

    Different requirements types or combinations of requirements types from planned independent requirements and customer requirements are defined for each planning strategy .

  14. 消耗期间决定客户需求消耗计划独立需求的范围。

    The consumption periods determine the intervals ( for backward or forward consumption ) within which customer requirements consume planned independent requirements .

  15. 这种联合决定了由客户需求消耗的计划独立需求或有效性检查是怎么执行的。

    This combination determines either the consumption of planned independent requirements by customer requirements or how the availability check is to be carried out .

  16. 维护在计划独立需求中的需求类型和在定制作业中为客户指定的客户需求类型要做比较。

    This step means that the requirements type entered when maintaining planned independent requirements is compared to the customer requirements type specified in Customizing .

  17. 反冲是非常重要的,因为所有部件计划在一个计划独立需求才可以计划正确,因为所有的预留都在同一时间减少。

    Backflushing is essential because the components are planned with only one planned independent requirement which can only be planned correctly if all reservations are reduced at the same time .

  18. 首先,由点及面,分析了独立需求、短生命周期一类产品的特点,并提出了相应的库存控制的对策机制。

    First , from part to whole , it analyzes the characteristics of the product of independent need and short life cycle , and put forward the corresponding countermeasure mechanism of the inventory control .

  19. 针对上述三个缺陷及其原因,本文提出了一些行之有效的对策方案,主要包括:建立了独立需求产品的库存控制模型和非独立需求物料的分类管理模型;

    To solve these defects and reasons , we first establish the model to control the stock of independence requirement . Then , we found the model to manage the dependence requirement material by sorting .

  20. 第五章主生产计划的理论概述,主生产计划针对的不是产品群,而是具体的产品,是基于独立需求的最终产品。

    Chapter five the theory summary of the main production schedule , what the main production schedule is directed against is not products group , but concrete products , is the final products based on independent demand .

  21. 我国上市公司独立审计需求问题及对策研究

    Study on the Demand for Independent Audit in Chinese Listed Companies

  22. 射手座的女人最突出的特点莫过于她对独立的需求。

    One of the most prominent characteristics of a Sagittarius woman is her need for independence .

  23. 同时,在下游供应链的订货和储存程中,为方便管理,不同包装的产品往往会进行独立的需求预测和存储。

    Meanwhile , during the process of ordering and stocking , different package products will be done separately .

  24. 讨论了用数学分析及动态规划的方法求解随机性需求库存控制和用数理统计方法求解独立型需求库存控制中的决策变量问题。

    This paper tried to find the solution of the variables of the strategic decision in the inventory control and in the definite demand , by using method of mathematics analysis and dynamic regulation , and in the random demand , by using the mathematical statistics method .

  25. 爱一个人,就要对他作为独立个体的需求做出回应。

    If I love you , I respond to most of your major needs as a person .

  26. 大基数、稳增长的国内休闲旅游、快速增长的中小型商务旅行以及大量的事务性旅行,共同构成了中小型独立酒店的需求主体。

    The major source of the Medium and Small Independent hotel are domestic leisure travelers , business travelers and transactional travelers now , which are growing continuously .

  27. 符合独立学院发展需求的教学质量自我监控体系是教学质量的制度保障;

    Self teaching-quality monitoring systems that meet the developmental demand of the extended independent university colleges are the institutional guarantees of the teaching quality of such colleges ;

  28. 伴侣对于共同相处和独立空间的需求不同,但在这个理想的感情模式中,我们假设你配合得很默契。

    Partners may need different amounts of together and separate time , but in this ideal scenario , let 's say that you completely match in that department .

  29. 要支持有效的软件开发,对这些工具来说它已经不能满足需独立存在的需求,他们需要集成的,灵活的,且能够适应的工具。

    To support effective software development , it is no longer sufficient for these tools to stand in isolation ; they need to be integrated , flexible , and adaptable .

  30. 首先研究了随机需求下无协调契约模型,分别分析了在与价格独立的随机需求下及具有价格弹性的随机需求下,零售商和制造商在没有协调情况下各自的最优决策。

    At first , a model with no coordinating contract under random demand is established , and it is used to analyze respectively under independent random demand and price-sensitive random demand , the optimal decision of manufacture and retailer .