
  1. 氯酸钠在造纸和饮用水方面取代液氯为大势所趋,公司产能释放有较强保障。

    Sodium chlorate in the paper and drinking water to replace chlorine as the trend of the times , the company has strong capacity to protect the release .

  2. 随着中国近年来钢铁工业的发展,产能得到释放,对铁矿石的需求也不断增加。

    With the rapid development of iron and steel industry , capacity has got released .

  3. 首先,产能进一步释放,市场空间不断扩大。

    First of all , the production capacity further releases , market space continues to expand .

  4. 从火电、钢铁行业的产能增量释放来看,需求仍旧非常旺盛;而煤变油、煤化工的发展,将对煤炭需求结构产生战略性的影响。

    From the power plant , steel industry , the capacity increment release still very strong demand , Change the oil and coal gasification , the development of coal demand structure , will produce strategic impact .

  5. 近二年来随着我国钢铁产能的快速释放,钢铁产品出口大幅度增长的同时也引发了越来越多的贸易摩擦。

    In the past two years , with great exports of China 's steel products , the trade deficit has been on rise .

  6. 林毅夫解释说,中国能够通过后发优势从高收入国家学习如何提高产能,从而释放经济发展动力,这在以前的日本、新加坡和韩国都已经有了很好的例证。

    Lin explained that late comer advantage will push China to learn from high income countries to improve productivity , thus unleashing economic growth momentum , which has already been shown in the cases of Japan , Singapore and South Korea .