
  1. 品牌权益指品牌所赋予的产品附加价值,它是品牌理论的核心内容;

    Brand equity , a core content of brand theory , refers to the value brand adds to product .

  2. 这种体验将成为新的创造产品附加价值的亮点,企业纷纷制定出相应的开发策略来满足消费者对体验感的需求。

    This experience sense will become the highlight of the added value in the R & D , enterprises adopt strategy one after another to satisfy the experience need of consumers .

  3. 产品的附加价值是提升体验的力量。

    And the additional value is the foundation to promote experience .

  4. 动漫品牌是动漫产业发展中的助力器,它可以增加动漫产品的附加价值,带动产业链的有效整合和延伸,从而推动动漫产业的健康发展。

    Animation brand is a booster of animation industry . It is not only increasing the additional value of animation products but also driving the industrial chain integrated and extended .

  5. 此外,通过对附加值理论的深入分析,本文提出了附属产品设计中的附加价值缺口,明确了附属产品设计的思路与方向。

    Furthermore , this paper put forward the added value gap in the design of product accessory , which crystallizes the train of thought and charts a direction for product accessory design .

  6. 口碑传播适用于已经建立品牌的产品,追求产品的附加价值和潜在价值。

    This communication method is applied to the product with famousbrand and additional value .

  7. 本实用新型的电子产品外壳可以用作手机、笔记本等产品的外壳,可以大大提高这些产品的附加价值。

    The electronic product shell can be used as shells of mobile phones , note computers and the like , and can greatly improve the adding values of the products .

  8. 产品造型设计是通过采用新材料、新工艺、新技术价值链,提高产品的附加价值和促进产品设计优化。

    Design of Product form aims at adopting new materials craftwork and technology to optimize quality of products and improve additive value of products .

  9. 品牌权益是顾客愿意为自己钟爱的品牌支付超过产品本身的额外费用,是为企业以往在品牌方面所作的营销努力而产生的赋予产品或服务的附加价值。

    Brand equity is an additional fee that customers are willing to pay that of more than the product itself , and it is an added value of the products or services of the enterprises which originating from the brand marketing efforts .