
  • 网络overcapacity;Excess capacity;over capacity
  1. 北京中国欧盟商会(EuropeanChamberofCommerceinChina)警告称,中国严重的产能过剩可能加剧贸易紧张,还可能令中国企业背上大量债务。

    China 's crushing overcapacity risks inflaming trade tensions as well as swamping the country 's companies with debt , the European Chamber of Commerce in Beijing has warned .

  2. 任何国家都不可能拥有足够的发展速度,足以在将50%的GDP重新投资的情况下最终避免遭遇巨大的产能过剩和令人忧心的不良贷款问题。

    No country can be productive enough to reinvest half of GDP in new capital stock without eventually facing immense overcapacity and a staggering non-performing loan problem .

  3. 随着两步发酵生产技术的成熟,全球维生素C产能过剩危机严重。

    With the maturity of the two stage fermentation technology of vitamin C production , there is overcapacity in vitamin C production allover the world .

  4. 因此,维生素C改性对扩展其使用范围,增加其附加值,缓解产能过剩有重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , it is of great significance to modify vitamin C , so as to expand its usage , to increase its added value , and to alleviate overcapacity crisis as well .

  5. 此次ipo对俄铝至关重要,因为整个制铝业正面临产能过剩和需求下滑的困境。

    The IPO is vital for company as it comes at a time when the aluminium industry is suffering from overcapacity and falling demand .

  6. 中国欧盟商会(europeanchamberofcommerceinchina)上月警告称,针对中国产品的反倾销关税可能出现激增,原因是高度的产能过剩正导致廉价出口大幅增加。

    Last month the European Chamber of Commerce in China warned there could be a spike in anti-dumping duties against Chinese products because a high level of overcapacity was leading to a surge in cheap exports .

  7. 中国政府周二抨击了欧盟(EU)对中国钢铁的反倾销惩罚措施,表示将维护中方企业,并否认了批评者提出的中国对外输出产能过剩问题的说法。

    China 's government hit out at EU steel anti-dumping penalties on Tuesday , saying it would defend Chinese business and denied it was exporting its own overcapacity problems as critics have suggested .

  8. 麦格理(Macquarie)驻上海的大宗商品分析师格雷姆•特雷恩(GraemeTrain)指出,中国钢铁行业产能过剩,库存很大。

    Graeme Train , commodities analyst at Macquarie in Shanghai , pointed out that inventories were high in China 's overbuilt steel sector .

  9. 安德森认为,虽然过去五年中国的投资规模接近GDP的一半,但并没有多少证据表明这种投资规模导致工业大范围产能过剩。

    Even though China has been investing almost 50 % of GDP for the past few years , Mr. Anderson doesn * t see much evidence that it * s resulted in widespread industrial overcapacity .

  10. 目前阶段,由于产能过剩,通胀暂时还未构成威胁。不过,鉴于广义货币供应量为GDP的160%以上,当遭受内部或外部冲击时,形势随时会发生变化,且变化速度可能会很快。

    At present , overcapacity is preventing inflation becoming a threat . However , with broad money above 160 per cent of GDP , the situation could change , and change quickly , due to internal or external shocks .

  11. 瑞银集团(UBS)经济师乔纳森•安德森(JonathanAnderson)就呼吁停止使用这一数据。此外,中国正在经历适度的通胀,而非产能过剩可能导致的严重通缩。

    ( Stop using this number , urges Jonathan Anderson , economist at UBS . ) Moreover , China is witnessing modest inflation – not the rampant deflation that would result from overcapacity .

  12. 在中国国务院发出指令,要求抑制初现的房地产泡沫后,监管机构还采取措施,限制房地产开发和相关工业集团的首次公开发行(ipo),控制银行新增贷款,降低某些行业的产能过剩。

    The regulator has also moved to limit initial public offerings by developers and industrial groups following diktats from the cabinet to limit an incipient real estate bubble , regulate new bank loans and reduce overcapacity in some sectors .

  13. 其中受打击最严重的是动态随机存取存储器(D-Ram)芯片企业集团,它们已经在应对行业产能过剩问题。

    Among the worst hit were D-Ram memory chip groups , which had already been dealing with industry overcapacity .

  14. 亚洲汽车咨询公司邓恩公司(dunne&co)的迈克邓恩(mikedunne)表示,许多主要汽车制造商目前面临的问题不是产能过剩,而是不足。

    The problem for many of the leading carmakers at the moment is not excess capacity , but lack of it , says Mike Dunne of Dunne & Co , an Asian car consultancy .

  15. 依据我国国内钢铁生产和消费、钢材外贸、GDP的增长和固定资产投资等方面的数据,分析了钢铁工业产能过剩的现实和趋势。

    The reality and trend of the surplus of the production capacity of iron and steel industry are analyzed based on the data relating to China 's iron and steel production and consumption , foreign trade of steel , GDP increase and the investment on fixed assets .

  16. electica已经找到一群特殊的投资者,他们愿意出售可能受到上述产能过剩影响的关键工业部门企业债券的cds产品。

    Electica has found a peculiar bunch of investors who are willing to sell CDs products on corporate bonds for key industrial sectors likely to be hit by this over-capacity trade .

  17. CERA说,如果石油需求未像许多人预测的那样从明年起开始反弹,那么石油市场在未来几年中有可能面临严重的产能过剩。

    If it doesn 't begin to rebound next year , as many predict , the oil market could face a'large surplus of production capacity for the next several years .

  18. 产能过剩、企业共生与信贷配给

    On the Production Capacity Surplus , Firms Coexistence and Credit Rationing

  19. 税收对缓解房地产业产能过剩的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis on Taxes for Alleviating Overcapacity of Real Estate Industry

  20. 制造业的产能过剩与产业升级战略

    Excessive Production Capacity of Manufacturing Industry and the Industrial Elevation Strategy

  21. 炼油产能过剩导致国内成品油供给增长。

    Excess refining capacity is leading to higher product supplies domestically .

  22. 汽车产能过剩原因与对策研究

    Study on the Cause of the Automobile Productivity Surplus and its Solution

  23. 产能过剩是我国长期面对的一个难题。

    Overcapacity is a problem which China faced for a long time .

  24. 但中国汽车制造商对于产能过剩的说法存在争议。

    But Chinese carmakers dispute the very notion of overcapacity .

  25. 略过半数的人表示,制造业产能过剩。

    Just over half said there was overcapacity in the manufacturing sector .

  26. 这一点之所以令人担忧,是因为它将导致产能过剩走向危险地步。

    The concern is this will result in dangerous overcapacity .

  27. 本文将对我国产能过剩的研究限制在宏观经济管理视角。

    This paper shall limit itself to macroeconomic management perspective .

  28. 近年间,我国的产能过剩相当严重。

    In recent years surplus production is rather serious in our country .

  29. 中国产能过剩的影响正在波及全球。

    China 's problem with bloated production is ricocheting around the world .

  30. 需求的消亡意味着许多领域存在结构性的产能过剩。

    The death of demand means there is structural overcapacity in many spheres .