
chǎn pǐn biāo zhǔn
  • product standard
  1. WTO/TBT协定和我国城镇燃气产品标准体系

    WTO / TBT Agreements and Chinese City Gas Product Standard System

  2. 其次是消费者参与产品标准制定的相关权利。

    Secondly , the consumer product standard in the relevant rights .

  3. 半导体集成电路(IC)产品标准的应用

    The Application of Standards for Semiconductor IC Productions

  4. 加入WTO对中国汽车工业的影响标准化与贸易技术壁垒&入世后车辆产品标准化面临的新课题

    Standardization and Trade , Technology Barriers & The New Subjects of Standardization of Car Products after Entry into the World Trade Organization

  5. 第二,中欧应在WTO技术贸易壁垒协定框架下,加强在产品标准和规范上的合作,积极消除各种贸易壁垒。

    To eliminate technical barriers , the two economies should cooperate on the product regulations and standards under the WTO Technical to Barrier Trade Agreement .

  6. InfoQ:你能列举几个大型系统未达产品标准就进行发布的例子吗?它们失败的原因又在哪里呢?

    InfoQ : Can you give a couple of examples of big systems which were launched when not production-ready , and what the failures were ?

  7. IECQ正在开发有害物质的产品标准。

    The IECQ is now also developing product standards for hazardous substances .

  8. 采用该MUF树脂压制的货盘,其性能指标符合华沙力迪室外产品标准。

    The performance data of the pallets made with MUF resin have reached the Werzalit standard for outdoor products .

  9. 随着iPhone、iPad和最近的MacBookPro这些具备明锐显示屏的设备大行其道,苹果已经为我们重新定义了理想中的产品标准。

    The almost-inevitable popularity of Apple Devices packing sharper screens like the iPhone , iPad , and more recently , the MacBook Pro , has reshaped our idea of what we want from our gear .

  10. 建议政府应积极与日方交涉,促进中日两国FTA的建立,完善贸易壁垒预警机制,同时大力推进农产品标准化战略,发展绿色产业,实现农业的低碳经济。

    Recommendations that our government should actively negotiate with the Japanese side to promote the establishment of an FTA between China and Japan and early warning mechanism of the barriers , vigorously promote standardization agricultural strategy , the developments of green industries as well as agriculture in low-carbon economy .

  11. 集控室电气舾装产品标准化不容忽视

    About implementation of standardization of electrical outfitting in centralized control room

  12. 澳大利亚插头产品标准及测试的分析

    Analysis on the Australian Standard & testing of the Plug Products

  13. 中美两国胶合板产品标准的差异分析及对策

    Difference Analysis of Plywood Product Standard Between America and China

  14. 海洋高新技术产业化进程中产品标准的作用

    The Function of Product Standard in the Process of Marine Hi-tech Industrialization

  15. 产品标准作为产品制造、验收的主要依据,其先进性、适用性、完整性、灵活性和通用性日益受到重视。

    Products standard is the main basis for products manufacturing and accepting .

  16. 国内外镍钴产品标准与质量现状及综述

    The present situation of internal and external Ni-Co products standard and quality

  17. 电工电子产品标准中工作环境温度的确定

    Determine for environment temperture of electrical and electronic product standards

  18. 基于消费者跨期选择的网络产品标准竞争研究

    Standards Competition about Network Goods Based on Consumers Multi-periods Choice

  19. 企业制定产品标准的几个问题

    On Several Problems of Product Standard Made by Enterprises

  20. 全球化对产品标准化起着巨大的推动作用。

    Globalization is a giant impetus of product standardization .

  21. 制定了连铸轴承钢专用产品标准。

    A specific production standard of continuous casting bearing steel has been established .

  22. 浅谈音频、视频及类似电子设备产品标准的主要差异与释义(上)

    Discussion of Audio 、 Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus-Safety Requirement Standard Differences (ⅰ)

  23. 如何确保产品标准的科学合理性

    How to Ensure the Scientific Rationality of Product Standards

  24. 首先,这有利于产品标准化工作的转型。

    First , the system is good for the transformation of product standard .

  25. 科教仪器新产品标准化

    Standardization of New Products of Science & Teaching Instrument

  26. 整体带芯的纤维材料及产品标准

    Fibre Materials and Product Standard of Solid Carcass Belt

  27. 对微波炉电容器产品标准的几点意见

    Suggestions on Standard of Capacitor Products for Microwave Ovens

  28. 浅谈世界经济一体化与化工企业产品标准的制定

    Product Standards with Unification of the World Economic

  29. 通过实例的表达、检索策略的设计、相似实例的评价等步骤,最终确定钢铁产品标准成本。

    It mainly includes Case description , Retrieval strategy design and similar case evaluation .

  30. 松针系列化学加工产品标准化现状及解决对策

    Standardized situation and solution countermeasure of series products from pine needles by chemical processing