
  • 网络output gap
  1. 中国通货膨胀与产出缺口变异性替代关系的研究&基于双变量GARCH模型的分析

    The Inflation and Output Gap Variability Tradeoff in China : Evidence from a GARCH Model

  2. 汇丰(HSBC)表示,在中国等多数东亚经济体和巴西,产出缺口(实际产出和最高产能之差)已经消失。

    HSBC says the output gap – the difference between actual output and maximum capacity – has disappeared in most east Asian economies , including China , and in Brazil .

  3. 首先是产出缺口理论、总需求总供给(ADAS)模型这两种工具的综合分析;

    The first is the comprehensive analysis of some tools such as the theory of GNP gap , AD-AS model .

  4. 在亚洲平均gdp增幅达到7%或8%,产出缺口较小的情况下,结论是不容置疑的:实际利率有必要提高。

    While average regional GDP growth runs at 7 or 8 per cent and output gaps are small , the conclusion is unarguable : real rates need to be higher .

  5. imf关于物价的预测或许是对的,但如果政策制定者单纯依据单薄的产出缺口概念,就把货币龙头拧到最大,那将是错误的。

    The IMF may be right about prices but policymakers would be wrong to leave the monetary taps on full bore based on the flaky concept of output gaps alone .

  6. 论中国宏观经济走势:基于产出缺口与AD-AS模型的分析

    Macroeconomic Trend of China : Based on Analysis of Output Gap and AD-AS Model

  7. 随后,本文又证实了在国际因素的影响下,以PPI为衡量的中国通胀对国内产出缺口的敏感度在下降,而其对进口价格的敏感度则在上升。

    We then confirm that along with the globalization process , the sensitivity of Chinese PPI to domestic output gap is declining and to import prices is increasing .

  8. 产出缺口在统计上毫无意义,但国际货币基金组织(IMF)依然在最新一期《世界经济展望》中预测,目前美国和欧洲的产出缺口大约是潜在产出的3%至5%。

    That output gaps are statistically meaningless , however , has not stopped the International Monetary Fund estimating in its latest World Economic Outlook report that output gaps in the US and Europe today measure about 3-5 per cent of potential output .

  9. 为了估计产出缺口,即实际产出与潜在产出之间的差异,obr需要进行商业调查和统计分析。

    To construct an estimate of the output gap the difference between actual and potential output the OBR relies on business surveys and statistical analyses .

  10. 论中国可接受的产出缺口区间与宏观经济走势

    On the Acceptable Output Gap and the Tendency of Marco-Economy in China

  11. 美国拥有巨大的产出缺口,将会对通胀构成压力。

    The US has a large output gap that will weigh on inflation .

  12. 这种观点正确与否,在很大程度上取决于产出缺口的规模。

    Much of the argument hinges on the size of the output gap .

  13. 基于产出缺口估计的通货膨胀压力测度研究

    Inflation Pressure Measurement Based on Output Gap Estimates

  14. 我国产出缺口的估计

    Estimation of the Output Gap in China

  15. 产出缺口和货币缺口对中国通货膨胀的影响分析

    The Analysis of the Impact of Output Gap and Currency Gap on China 's Inflation

  16. 中国的产出缺口与通货膨胀

    China 's Output Gap and Inflation

  17. 问题在于,要准确衡量产出缺口几乎是不可能的。

    Trouble is , it is almost impossible to measure an output gap with any accuracy .

  18. 全球产出缺口与中国的通胀变动:基于扩展的菲利普斯曲线研究

    Global Output Gap and China 's Inflation : An Empirical Study Based on Augmented Philips Curve

  19. 中国的通货膨胀与产出缺口&来自2003-2008年的经验分析

    Inflation and Output Gap in China & Based on Empirical Investigation between the Years 2003 and 2008

  20. 基于多变量动态模型的产出缺口估算机场地基反应模量动态识别仿真研究

    Estimating Output Gap : A Multivariate Dynamic Model Approach Dynamic Identification Simulation of Foundational Response Modulus of Airport

  21. 产出缺口衡量的是实际产出与潜在产出之间的差异。对政策制定者来说,这个概念胜在简单。

    Output gaps measure the difference between actual output and potential output and have an attractive simplicity for policymakers .

  22. 证据显示,核心通胀[剔除能源]只会在产出缺口消失的情况下,才会开始再度上升。

    Evidence suggests that core [ non-energy ] inflation only starts to rise again once the output gap has been closed .

  23. 展望未来,高盛认为产出缺口可能会收窄如果不是已经在收窄的话。

    Looking ahead , Goldman Sachs believes that the output gap is likely to contract if it is not doing so already .

  24. 但在1931年,正统经济学家们还否认那场有史以来最严重衰退的根本原因是存在产出缺口。

    Yet in 1931 orthodox economists were denying there was an output gap at the bottom of the greatest depression in history .

  25. 就中期而言,日本经济继续以高于趋势线的速度增长以弥合产出缺口非常关键。

    In the medium term , it is crucial that growth continues at above trend so as to close the output gap .

  26. 她在一份报告中写道:这些全都是产出缺口出现负值的迹象,需要政策进行调整。

    These are all signs of a negative output gap , which calls for policy adjustment , she wrote in a report .

  27. 然后,通过面板数据的单位根检验,发现通货膨胀率与产出缺口均是水平平稳的。

    After that , we find that both inflation rate and output gap are smooth level through the unit root test of panel data .

  28. 中央银行有很强的利率平滑倾向,说明利率稳定也是货币政策的目标之一;1996年以前和以后,货币政策对产出缺口的反应不一致;

    The central bank smoothes the interest rate strongly , which illustrates the stabilization of interest rate is also one of the policy targets ;

  29. 而与此同时,对产出缺口(即过剩产能)的估值诚然,这种估值带有不确定性也处在极高的水平。

    Yet this is also at a time when the admittedly uncertain estimates of output gaps ( or excess capacity ) are at extreme levels .

  30. 这将意味着“产出缺口”(实际和潜在产出之间的差异)增大多达4%。

    This would mean an increase in the " output gap " the gap between actual and potential output of as much as 4 per cent .